
The Path of Ascension Vol. 8 - The Path of Dharma (conclusions)

Dear Infinite Creative Lifeforce Potential,

We write to you today to bring you a bit of a summary on The Path of Dharma as we have offered in the previous 9 volumes of this publication. We ask of you to really allow yourself to sink into a space of loving awareness, take a few deep intentional breaths, envision your thoughts dissolving away and allow the body to open to integration. Clearing the mind, body and spirit with one’s breath and intention, as we have mentioned before is one of the key ways to align with dharma, it requires daily practices and commitment to those practices which allow us to clear the mind and body in order to align with and clearly listen to the soul. Dharma is all about balance, harmony and communication, we are given the gift of the temple of the body in order to become clear channels of divine wisdom, every single being has this opportunity, to be the bridge between earth and sky, material and immaterial, corporeal and divine. We are given the chance to awaken to our true nature and walk the path before us by releasing programs and conditions in order to become truly present with the moment.

Loving awareness is the key to living in Dharma, to walk the path of soul destiny our awareness needs to be attuned to the state of unconditional love so we are always learning, receiving and growing from our experiences instead of judging and getting stuck within them.

The universe is a home of unconditional love, there is only loving awareness underneath everything, karma seeks to bring us back to loving awareness, however it may tear apart our identified self, the ego and all of its clinging in order to illuminate the truth of self beneath it all. - The Path of Ascension Vol.7.3

We encourage you to remember and realize that all things are coming up for clearing at this time, many of you are going through a “dark night of the soul”, the collective is moving through this process as one. All of the aspects of creation which are out of alignment with the true nature of humanity are coming up for release and alchemical reconfiguration. Unreal to the real, untruth to truth, darkness to light, death to immortality. Humanity has always been on the path to self realization, this path is the dharma of the universe working through all karma. The nature of everything is to evolve and expand, the nature of the universe is to become one again with all that is. All aspects of divinity weave together the tapestry of harmony, the universe is meant to be a symphony of colour and sound. Frequencies of all kinds coming together to form the AUM. “Who are we really?”, resounding through all of creation, an anchor of remembering the nature of divinity that we truly are. To find balance along the path of creation and dharma is both a challenge and a gift, the challenge brings us greater strength and awareness therefore within it lies that very gift. Avoidance of challenge or discomfort in life holds us back, we are not encouraging you to create problems or indulge and perpetuate suffering in your life, we are encouraging you to remember that you are part of the whole, part of oneness, to remember that every thought you think and action you take holds some sort of resonance within the collective. The vibration from which we resonate our thoughts has a great deal to do with what situations manifest in our lives, we pray for you to remember that you are a co-creator and with that ability you always have the power to choose how to respond to situations of challenge and adversity. The power to change your state, your vibration and any situation you are facing is always within you, even where conditions, programs and trauma are stored in the body, there is always a solution and there is always a choice, self-healing requires commitment and devotion, to heal the self is to meet dharma in the temple of the body.

Much of society today faces the dilemma of feeling lacking in purpose, people are stressed and saddened by much of what they devote their time to each day for the sake of keeping up with society as well as to survive. With so much distraction from soul directly built into the very fabric of society, taking time to self care and devote to healing practices seems like a fantasy to a lot of people. How is one supposed to align with truth when much of their identity is based off of illusion or fear? We have mentioned that fear is one of the biggest controlling forces on earth, especially at this time, fear perpetuates the illusion. We also offered a brief assay on “maya- illusion” within volume 7.9 The Path of Dharma of Soul.

There is always something to learn and integrate while evolving, along The Path of Ascension, self awareness and forgiveness of self is key. For any human to intend embodiment of higher consciousness, divine consciousness, unconditional love, higher awareness, loving awareness, enlightenment, oneness, what have you…. all paths require the step of self-love. To truly love another, one must love themselves. We see so many rampant psychological and physiological imbalances appearing in society today, it is one aspect to intend to repair these things, however without a radical shift in consciousness and the way we are living as a collective it is less likely we will encounter true healing. One is tasked with changing core beliefs if one intends to heal.

We called this section The Path of Dharma (conclusions) because we wish to bring together some of the keys of aligning with dharma, however in Dharma nothing really concludes, nothing really ends, it all becomes new again. To align with Dharma is to align with divine timing, to be open to the cyclical nature of time, allowing yourself to be fully present with each now moment. The true nature of the universe is that everything which “ends” feeds a new beginning. All of the layers of life are always interconnected as part of one ending and the next beginning. The greatest magic to dharma is presence, presence with the eternal now moment, the present is named such because it is a gift, we are given the gift of transformation, of cycles of death and rebirth in order to be able to learn the power of surrender. There are some things in life that are simply meant to pass, we can not control those moments, first is to surrender to them, then is to become aware of the reactions to them. When we become aware of the true gift of the present moment whether the experience is “good” or “bad” we learn that every experience and how we react to it is our choice and all lies in the perceptions we hold. Nothing and no one is ever truly lost, everything and everyone is offered to the cycle of time as part of the new present in some way or another. Consciousness, like energy can never be destroyed, it can only transform.

We pray for you to remember that you are transforming, in every breath and every moment, part of you is renewed, you are given so many tools to work with in order to make the alchemy of transformation one of lower to higher states instead of the reverse which much of society is tailored to. Keep on rising Beloved beings! We are with you every step of the way all you need to do is ask for clarity and messengers will arrive to you through the mysteries of the universe!

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!

गते गते पार गते पार संगते बोधि स्वाहा

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.7 - The Path of Dharma (of the body)

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.7 - The Path of Dharma (of the body)

To be gifted with this body is to be given a map through all of time and space. Every cell is the culmination of all of the ancestors which have come before it, and all of the experiences of the soul within it. You are a blueprint to self realization encoded in the very cells which make up the miracle of you.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.6 - The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.6 - The Path of Dharma

Life, like water, is meant to flow, it may rush, it may trickle, it may pour, it may crash, yet in no part of it, is it really meant to be rigid. The river requires a bed to flow through, yet the water also creates its own path when necessary. Let the mind be like water, detach from the identity you have built up and be open to the truth within you shining through it.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.5 - The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.5 - The Path of Dharma

When a being is aligning with dharma there is a process or a practice which helps to keep the flow of energy clear through the vessel and generated fields, this is one of the most important aspects of living in dharma, in order to stay aligned with our destined path we require some sort of daily commitment to a practice which clear the mind and clears the field around us so that we can focus our energy on the present moment

The Path of Ascension 7.4 - The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension 7.4 - The Path of Dharma

The power of devotion is really in the intentional vibration emitted from our heart centered intentions. When we connect to, devote to and honor the divine spirit within what we see around us, we tend to create more beauty, a deeper sense of harmony and find a way to connect to the culture of the nature around us.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.3- The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.3- The Path of Dharma

This is one of the most amazing aspects of Dharma, it works with the calling of the soul, karma and divine alignment. When something is right, we must recognize it is right and put all of our energy and efforts towards it. Taking the time each day to tune in, listen and ask; Are my actions right action?

The Path of Ascension Vol. 1 - The Path of Forgiveness

The Path of Ascension Vol. 1 - The Path of Forgiveness

Today’s path is of Forgiveness. We see you out there in the world struggling to get ahead, dwelling on your pasts, holding grudges or even simply holding onto pain which was caused you or that you cause another. In any great transformation we must have the capacity to Forgive.

Nature is Medicine

Nature is Medicine

We live in a time of tremendous change. The world "as we knew it" is dissolving as we once again step through doors of a new reality. Choices are all around us. Will we choose fear or will we choose love? Will we - as a collective humanity - choose to ascend from strength to strength? and where can we find the strength to face these times of polarity and uncertainty affecting us ALL in significant ways? The miracle of nature is that the moment we open to it, it is available to us within and without - ANY time in nature rebalances, restores and reconnects us with the divine source of our light within, which is why we recently took to the forest…

The Art of Sadhana

The Art of Sadhana

Sadhana represents a disciplined surrendering of the ego. Getting into daily practice is part of the yogi's journey and the beginnings of a daily devotional Sadhana practise. The term sadhana comes from the Sanskrit root, sadhu, meaning (amongst many things) “go straight to a goal” or, "incarnation of Siva (Adiyogi)".

Divine Light Energy Healing Webinar

Divine Light Energy Healing Webinar

Eli will be offering a meditative group healing session along with introducing the upcoming Virtual Divine Light Energy Healing Retreat March 20th to 30th as well as the course ‘always available’ course platform which accompanies the virtual retreat for your continuous learning and healing journey afterwards!!

This will be a live broadcast divine light energy healing group session where you will receive:



Right now the actual vibrational energy and resonance of the earth has been going through massive changes and you may have been feeling these changes without even realizing that you are feeling them. This is part of why Now is absolutely the time to enter the depths of one’s spirit, adopt a daily practice of devotion, meditation or ritual and set the intention to make the time to truly connect to the physical transformation of our biochemical matrix that is the earth within us.

SAHASRARA - The Doorway to the Divine / Seat of Divine Awareness

SAHASRARA - The Doorway to the Divine / Seat of Divine Awareness

The 7th Chakra and the Crown / Pituitary is associated with spiritual understanding, cosmic consciousness, claircognizance, knowing / REALIZATION, mind, clarity and connection to Source “above”. The Crown connects to the Eternal and both gives and receives cosmic consciousness.

Calling all Ancestors!

Calling all Ancestors!

Calling all Ancestors! Please allow Tahawa Eli's magical voice to take you this short Medicine Music Journey for calling in protections, calming the mind and body and connecting with our Guides, Ancestors and Angels! Namaste Light Warriors! 🙏🏽✨

Tuning Into Guides, Angels & Ancestors

Tuning Into Guides, Angels & Ancestors

Take a moment to be in the forest and tune into your spirit guides, angels and ancestors! Allow Tahawa Eli’s music to guide you on a beautiful journey of soul intuition healing. Namaste

The Power of Mudra Work

The Power of Mudra Work

Mudra means “seal” - when we form a Mudra with our hands, we create energetic & physical connections between power points that allow us to link our individual Pranic life force with universal cosmic energy.
A timeless practise that offers a range of benefits to the practitioner. Especially when in combination with pranayama, asana & meditation, mudras improve physical, mental & spiritual well-being.

Self Care for Ascension Symptoms

Self Care for Ascension Symptoms

This is a follow up video to the first Ascension Symptoms video where I promised to go through a variety of self care and self protections for helping us stay grounded and sane during these times of wild and transformative change here on Earth!

Ascension Symptoms 2020

Ascension Symptoms 2020

SAHA // A little video on ascension symptoms - what are they? Why are they happening? And what can we do to support ourselves during this shift? Humanity is going through great change as we remember who we are and activate our full potential as part of our cosmic family. First offered during one of Virtual Trainings, in this video Xtina shares some thoughts and experiences on this time of great awakening in the collective and what we can all do to understand our own Self better. The more we EXPAND and grow our consciousness, the more Self-aware we may become and we are empowered to step into our Truth and live life FROM SOUL.



Celebrate each breath as the death of the self you no longer need even if that aspect is simply a passing thought, breathe it away and let it die. Enter deeply into remembering who you are and allow yourself to feel, celebrate and be grateful for each moment of the dying away just as a tree is happy to get lighter and rest in the fall. The harvest comes when we let go of what was. Pain is alchemised into golden drops of reverence, jewels of joy and gifts of strong will. I commit each day to continuing this process of shedding.

Breathing Consciousness..

From breathing air to breathing consciousness, the souls who are called to this online teacher training are typically ready for massive spiritual upgrades and have been looking for some time for a path that will lead them within instead of further “without”.

Many of our students experience significant and positive life shifts going through our program - it is energetically designed to help expand your field of consciousness so that you can hold space for manifesting the life you want.

We are grateful to have Christina sharing some of her thoughts on the online YTT 200hr SAHA program:

Essentially, I went into the program still breathing air and came out of it breathing consciousness.
— christina

"One of best things about the online yoga school teacher training is the ability to continue living your life anywhere in the world as you do it and to witness how your life changes as you move through the course.
I didn't do the YTT200HR to start working as a teacher in studios right away - I did it to deeply know mySelf and innerstand my purpose;
I did it to learn more about the ANCIENT art & science of this practise that has always strengthened and sustained me - to bring the knowledge and the wisdom deeply into my practise and integrate into my daily life.

I did it to better understand my physical anatomy and energetic bodies; to expand awareness and see mySelf for who I truly am;
I did it to deepen my meditative practise; to bring the true essence of yogic teachings off the matt and into my daily life...

🌈🌈 BUT what I didn't realize before I started this course was how much this process would change me and my life in positive ways i couldn't have imagined before doing it - I am deeply more aware and connected to ALL THAT IS - an unfolding of rememberings and awakenings lighting the path I can now humbly walk with honesty, reverence and surrender..

The teachings within course are so much more than we first perceive.. I discovered my heart again, I remembered why I came to Earth and the light warriors path. I have found parts of myself I forgot I lost and am still learning to integrate. I am forever humbled, awakened and inspired by these teachings.
Essentially, I went into the program still breathing air and came out of it breathing consciousness.

Amongst everything I hoped for in taking this teacher training, I have come to innerstand that we are the ones who stand in our own way. It is not our fault and we are all exactly where we are supposed to be, but if you feel a calling to expand your consciousness and connect with your highest Self, this program will guide you.

When we come back into spiritual alignment, the Sacred returns - our awareness expands immensely and our ability to communicate clearly, alchemize energies and manifest love, healing and abundance is actualized.

I have been taken on a sacred journey to my true Self - peeling away all the layers of who I wasn’t in order to realize and remember who I AM.

With immense gratitude, I thank you.
Aho! Namaste 🙏🏼
Sat Nam"

- christina, SAHA YTT200hr Graduate 🙏🏼🌺🦋