We pray for you to find this ability of self worth to change your reality because you deserve better, you deserve fulfillment and you deserve happiness. You are worthy.
We write to you today to remind you of gratitude for the abundant miracle that you are! Every being is made up of trillions of cyclical cells and energetic particles. The very nature of the design of creation is abundant to the core.
Celebrate, with gratitude, everything that is before you right now, become the very celebration of life which surrounds us in all manifestations of nature.
Soul is oneness, the force of sat-cit-ananda, truth-consciousness-bliss, everything is this primal force of clear consciousness as it is from an empty clear space of awareness that we create, we never stop creating in fact, even if we are bogged down by selfish actions or negative thinking, we are always creating.
Consciousness is a well, the mind is the bucket, when we can focus our mind to dip into the well of consciousness we can bring back the all nourishing lifeblood of the universe which is knowledge.
To be gifted with this body is to be given a map through all of time and space. Every cell is the culmination of all of the ancestors which have come before it, and all of the experiences of the soul within it. You are a blueprint to self realization encoded in the very cells which make up the miracle of you.
Life, like water, is meant to flow, it may rush, it may trickle, it may pour, it may crash, yet in no part of it, is it really meant to be rigid. The river requires a bed to flow through, yet the water also creates its own path when necessary. Let the mind be like water, detach from the identity you have built up and be open to the truth within you shining through it.
When a being is aligning with dharma there is a process or a practice which helps to keep the flow of energy clear through the vessel and generated fields, this is one of the most important aspects of living in dharma, in order to stay aligned with our destined path we require some sort of daily commitment to a practice which clear the mind and clears the field around us so that we can focus our energy on the present moment
The power of devotion is really in the intentional vibration emitted from our heart centered intentions. When we connect to, devote to and honor the divine spirit within what we see around us, we tend to create more beauty, a deeper sense of harmony and find a way to connect to the culture of the nature around us.
This is one of the most amazing aspects of Dharma, it works with the calling of the soul, karma and divine alignment. When something is right, we must recognize it is right and put all of our energy and efforts towards it. Taking the time each day to tune in, listen and ask; Are my actions right action?
. It is very important to become empowered by unconditional love to invite the strength and awareness to see it all, feel it all and allow it to flow, you are not meant to become the suffering you see, you are meant to alchemize that suffering to light, transform ignorance to truth, and find purpose within your role in space and time.
The karma one carries often leads us into experiences which help us face the residual effects and imprints that we have made for ourselves in this life and lives previous.
. Our evolution is dependent on learning to love each other for our differences and to work through connecting the community by healing the collective diseases of the mind, body and spirit. For any society to go through this shift, the commitment to self love must be the foundation and the core.
The key of manifestation from a steadfast mind is to be clear in what you want, clear in why you want it and clear that it is in alignment with the soul within.
When we are walking the Path of Integration, it is important to take the time to truly love and respect yourself for all that you are. Love and accept yourself for all that you have been through and let the good and the bad be thanked, integrated and released. When you integrate the lessons, all attachments, mental and emotional, dissolve away and you become more whole. How can you take time to integrate today?
May unconditional love guide you home to your soul! May you remember who you truly are! May you be one with the light and love of the all that is!
All beings deserve to experience the state of unification and it is up to the human being, residing here with Mother Gaia, to choose a state of unification within which then resonates out to the whole collective field.
You are a spark of universal consciousness, an entire universe compressed into a human vessel with abilities and potentials of nearly unfathomable power. The divine soul within us all is a fractal of source consciousness, it is like the satellite of source which transmits the information of the soul to the human vessel.
To truly embody self esteem, all praise, all love, all glory we feel we need, must first come from within, one needs to feel full even in the most quiet and alone places of life in order to truly give to the world.