The Path of Ascension Vol. 3.5 - The Path of Fortification to Unification

Blessings to this day, this opportunity to experience life anew and welcome here to another step along the journey of Ascension, the embodiment of Awakening, the amplification of Enlightenment! Namaskar and Namaste to you divine reflection! We, the guides and star allies come to you now with messages of inspiration to inspire you to continue to follow the path of truth, love and light! When you feel heavy or stuck, we are there praying for you from beyond the veil, encouraging you to take yourself up from the depths of your pain and into the heights of your light. Now is the time on this earth that we encourage you to release the path of suffering and bring your consciousness into even deeper alignment with The Path of Ascension.

It is for this very reason, of a great required shift in consciousness that we come through now to bring you a daily path you can take to bring you into connection with yourself and the great goal of the collective awakening of humanity into a state of unconditional love and miraculous manifestation. This channeled publication will be brought forth to you each day from this day forth (February 1st 2022) until such a time as the channels agree to release it to you for integration and review. The initial path will last 90 days and each day will offer a path to self healing and transformation of your life that will be interwoven into your greater goal of raising your vibration and living the best life you can possibly imagine for yourself and more as you open to the infinite possibilities the universe invites us into NOW! SO, without further ado, we bring to you…

The PAth of Fortification

Dear United BEing,

In today’s path of ascension we will summarize The Path of Fortification and begin to explore The Path of Unification. So far the path of Fortification has taken us through the concepts of strengthening the mind, body and soul. The power we have to change our realities, rests in choosing which conditioning we allow to set into place within the mind and body, the different layers and levels of conditioning along the spectrum of duality either bring us closer to soul or further away from it. The more separate we become from our soul, the more the ego lashes out and creates problem reactions situations for us in our lives. Eventually the more the ego controls us through our daily actions by running of stifled, stagnant or explosive emotions and mental conditions and programs the more we become disconnected from the mission of soul which is to learn and evolve through unconditional love. When we become negatively aligned in our thinking or self deprecating in any way we start to build energy in the body and mind which creates wired responses to certain stimuli, these reactions can be built up over time and start to create habits and perceptions which color and transform our reality into the lower realms of creation. This then magnifies a stuck feeling as well as begins to magnetize dark energies and negative situations to us which are really there to show us our own shadows.

When we get stuck into this energy field of pain and separation the body-mind-spirit connection becomes erratic, chaotic, discordant and can create an array of mental projection, delusions and disorders which enforce a state of fear and separation. So much of life contains experiences of challenge which are really there to give us opportunity to re-condition ourselves to see situations from higher perspectives and clear awareness. This takes daily work and commitment to cultivate a state of inspired motivation and a state of open communication with the aspects of your being, soul, mind, body. When we take some time each day to connect to ourselves or fortify the power of the different aspects of our being, we are fortifying the bond between these forces of creation and manifestations of god.

When we fortify the mind we tear down old pathways and resistances, release limiting beliefs and open up to new possibilities, then we work on creating healthy new neural pathways which we train, condition and strengthen to think well and positively about ourselves and lives. This process is all about changing the inner story, core beliefs and mental narrative by examining and choosing new language. To take back the power of your mind by transforming the way you think is to take back the power you have within you as a co-creator with the divine. This process does take time and patience, especially for someone working their way out of crisis or entrenched stuck spaces.

When we fortify the body, we look at what must be shed first, how can we detoxify, purify and let go of the stuck energies and “dead weight” within and around the body. We explore what our capabilities are and what our limitations are and in this exploration choose one goal to work on first, get moving a little more each day, do a daily walk, do 20 pushups a day, practice 1hr of yoga per day, do a cleansing practice, listen to what your body needs by staying in tune each day to how you are feeling, when you receive the answer that you need to move more, or strengthen this or that or cleanse out somewhere or something, take a small step in that moment towards that goal even if it means drinking an extra glass of water.

When we fortify the soul, we look at how we are expressing the truth within us. This starts by optimizing the vessel and the channels of the mind and moves into creating a daily spiritual practice which resonates with ones life and feels nourishing to the soul. We are encouraged to remember who we truly are and remind ourselves that we are beings of divine love. Some ways to work on this are through yoga, meditation, sacred music/medicine music/ mantra and sound frequencies. It is also important to embody forgiveness for everything which has come before us to teach us in this life, cultivating compassion and self love, and from that place of self love we can create a deeper sense of awareness!

As one is working on fortifying the individual aspects of the body, subtle shifts begin to take place in all aspects and areas of the body, which bring us into new states of awareness and charge us with even more energy to make changes. This process of strengthening pathways and connection between the mind, body and soul, is to create bonds with and between the different aspects of the self. These bonds start to create the unified being which is a level of consciousness which allows us to start truly experiencing unity and oneness. The process of unification is linked to the process of fortification because as we start to strengthen the different aspects of the self we move through and encounter our blockages and employ either the masculine energy or feminine energy of self towards our goals for transformation and balance. When we start to really acquaint with our nature, we all of different levels of balance which serve us, the game is not 50%/50 it is knowing when and how to work with 100% of these energetic forces in their wholeness in order to change your being, self expression and life. You may be aligned as a more masculine energy or a more feminine energy but wherever you are in this alignment you have to find the balance that works for you. When we want to transform from heaviness to lightness we will need to look at uniting with our masculine energy side to activate the strengthening and conditioning it offers. When we are becoming frustrated or angry, we need to connect with the feminine energy of nurturing, sensitivity and allowance. The dance of these forces in our beings and in our world is one of the fundamental puzzle pieces of ascension. The human being will raise their state of vibration and come into forms of ascended complete wholeness when the human being can realize and accept that feminine and masculine aspects of the human need to work together in order to be most productive.

To become a unified being, connect to unified consciousness and cultivate oneness we must first strengthen the connection and bonding between the mind, body and soul. When we work on ourselves from a place of self love and self care we do just that, as we change our language and listen to the deeper inner voice of loving compassion and truth, the more we strengthen the bond to soul. Each day we choose to work on our bodies towards a goal of strength, conditioning, losing weight, gaining more stamina, running faster, we are employing the power of the mind in order to transform the matter of the body, the invisible becomes visible through our consciousness. This process of acquainting with and communicating with our deep inner voice of truth and love, requires us to clear the body and mind in order to optimize the connection to soul and strengthen and clarify communication to the higher self.

As you continue to walk this path of fortification, double check with yourself, am I unifying mind, body and soul? Are my choices helping me reach a place of unified consciousness?

For now, we will leave you with this as a summary and a gate into the next path. We intend to add some exercises to the path of fortification articles, please do check back next week to follow along! Tomorrow we will continue exploring The Path of Unification!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts