Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Energies are With Us!

Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Energies are With Us!

Taurus energy is very much about strength, patience and appreciation for the journey. Taurus is extremely patient, but has limits and horns… if pushed too far, Taurus will deliver a reckoning….

We Are Temples of Light

We Are Temples of Light

So often in our soul searching we believe we must go elsewhere to find peace. We may want to “escape the matrix” and rejuvenate somewhere far away, but who we are looking for is always within us ~ no matter where or how far we go, the greatest Sages of our times would say there is nothing “out there” that answers the questions from within one’s soul, but, of course, you may find clues along the way…

Rising Light Affirmation Practice

Rising Light Affirmation Practice

Join Eli for a quick rising light affirmations practice by a stream in the forest and tune into your higher power and shift into resonance with harmony, abundance and flow!

I am grounded. I am stable. I am strong.

3min journey

New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

The Lion’s Gate Portal is an astrological and cosmological event that happens this year between July 26th and August 12th, 2021. The Lion’s Gate energies peak with the New Moon - 08/08 - when energies will be at their highest and most intense for most; however, these brilliant energies and cosmic rays beaming into Earth throughout this time are offering us a great opportunity to finally release our attachments to the physical and “old ways” of fear and separation, and take a courageous step as individuals - for all of humanity - into unity consciousness, compassion and LOVE for all.

who? What? Where? is SAHA?

who? What? Where? is SAHA?

Soul Ascension Healing Arts (SAHA for short) is a collective of beautiful and powerful souls connected around the world endeavouring to raise and expand our individual consciousness, as well as the collective vibrations of Soul Earth. We believe that TOGETHER we RISE in co-creative magick, alignment and divine flow!

We are a soul collective of yogis, healers, dreamers, weavers, story-tellers, mothers, fathers, teachers, gardeners, techies, artists, musicians, starseeds and many more seekers of their own inherent Divine Knowledge and Truth!

Anahata - LOVE

Anahata - LOVE

The 4th chakra and Heart chakra is associated with LOVE, compassion, forgiveness, trust, vulnerability, joy, surrender, humility, harmony, faith and hope. The Heart chakra is connected to Divine Wisdom, Intelligence and Intuition – it is a portal to Divine Love.

Nature is Medicine

Nature is Medicine

We live in a time of tremendous change. The world "as we knew it" is dissolving as we once again step through doors of a new reality. Choices are all around us. Will we choose fear or will we choose love? Will we - as a collective humanity - choose to ascend from strength to strength? and where can we find the strength to face these times of polarity and uncertainty affecting us ALL in significant ways? The miracle of nature is that the moment we open to it, it is available to us within and without - ANY time in nature rebalances, restores and reconnects us with the divine source of our light within, which is why we recently took to the forest…

Divine Light Energy Healing Webinar

Divine Light Energy Healing Webinar

Eli will be offering a meditative group healing session along with introducing the upcoming Virtual Divine Light Energy Healing Retreat March 20th to 30th as well as the course ‘always available’ course platform which accompanies the virtual retreat for your continuous learning and healing journey afterwards!!

This will be a live broadcast divine light energy healing group session where you will receive:



Right now the actual vibrational energy and resonance of the earth has been going through massive changes and you may have been feeling these changes without even realizing that you are feeling them. This is part of why Now is absolutely the time to enter the depths of one’s spirit, adopt a daily practice of devotion, meditation or ritual and set the intention to make the time to truly connect to the physical transformation of our biochemical matrix that is the earth within us.

Full Moon Wishes!

Full Moon Wishes!

Have you heard of the Wish Moon? A moon so rare it only occurs 3-4 times per year in “fixed” signs of the zodiac. On the eve of a our first Full WISH Moon of the year, we are blessed to have Jela share the tradition, meaning and ritual of this auspicious Moon!

SAHASRARA - The Doorway to the Divine / Seat of Divine Awareness

SAHASRARA - The Doorway to the Divine / Seat of Divine Awareness

The 7th Chakra and the Crown / Pituitary is associated with spiritual understanding, cosmic consciousness, claircognizance, knowing / REALIZATION, mind, clarity and connection to Source “above”. The Crown connects to the Eternal and both gives and receives cosmic consciousness.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra Meditation

Take a journey into stillness and kundalini-guided meditation to end a long day and help you release the stress and tension from your body, mind and entire field. Thank you Cath for this beautiful experience!

October 19th, 2018


My life has been blessed by the process of being a channel of the light and the ancient memories of the divine. I refer to this identity as a process seeing as most of the time I Am here in navigation of the curses which come along with this blessing.

Entering the earth with memories from beyond it have made life less than easy to cope with as long as I can remember I remember thinking oops I think I signed up for the wrong reality. Can someone please come down here to revisit this contract......... and so appeared a Spirit Dog, Junior Coal. He was a companion from another life and he told me my mission this time was to live in compassion as I filter the darkness out of the shine of humanity. The shine is like the aura. Each of us has one and so does collective consciousness and our shine, shines around the atmosphere of Gaia. 

Encoded with external eternal internal memory and an optimism for the awakening of humanity, Junior Coal reminded me of roots to the core of the earth and white light washing me constantly. I started my work and began filtering the pain and the thoughts and the suffering from anywhere I could sense it or see the red spots of dark spots or tendrils and vines of oppression. I began pouring white light and gold light and smiling over it all. 

With memories of powers beyond this current earth paradigm I began to get frustrated in the truth of my current limitations. I knew there was more. I knew that my powers were lost somewhere just across the veil and I would began to search for them. Forgetting leads to anger leads to numbness leads to remembering leads to anger; leads to peace? 

We shall see.

- Tahawa Eli iTruth

July 26th, 2018

Hello dear ones,

Your beauty and light is bouncing around the web with greatness, thank you for your work. I will be working on a grid infusion of love this week as I prepare for the next big work of Teacher Training, Retreats, Ceremonies and Light Warrior school here in B.C. This august shall be wonderful. I have been receiving a message and it seems we are running out of water on the earth, it may not seem like it because it comes out of the tap........ however mama is getting very dry and we need to help her. 

The animals and people who used to hold the tradition of guiding the rain into creation have been displaced and confused, we forget to sing with the frogs in gratitude for the sacred water. I need your help to make rain in as many areas as possible because it is going to get hotter and if we want water later we need to fill up some special pockets. So fill your pockets with crystals and salt, offerings of berries and blessings of tobacco to the trees rocks oceans rivers and lakes. Please today and the next 3 days make offerings to the sacred water, pray and sing to every sip of water you drink and feel on your body, WATER IS LIFE! Truly. 


I love you all and I am grateful for your assistance. I am grateful to be able to assist you. I am grateful for your love flowing through the grid. Time to break limitations, break through possibilities, break through the matrix, reprogram the grid with our tears and laughter, joy, love, bliss, peace, water, water, water, water everywhere, water, water, water bring compassion so fair, fill the fallen flows of flight flowing flares of flying light of the feelings flowing from source, wash us all with showers of you showing light to shine upon us with the shear brightness of she. She is flowing, she is shining, she sparkles, she bubbles, in everything in our bodies. The first stage is water. SO BE IT.