Nature is Medicine

We live in a time of tremendous change. The world "as we knew it" is dissolving as we once again step through doors of a new reality. Choices are all around us. Will we choose fear or will we choose love? Will we - as a collective humanity - choose to ascend from strength to strength? and where can we find the strength to face these times of polarity and uncertainty affecting us ALL in significant ways?

When nothing “makes sense” to us and stress and confusion are at an all-time, global high, we turn within to find truth and meaning; a way to transmute dark to light and alchemize the new energies into our consciously embodied beings. When life gets to be “too much”, we can always count on a few things to help us reset the physical, clear the mental and psychic pollution, balance the emotions and rejuvenate the Soul and Divine Spirit within. Yoga, meditation, divine knowledge (such as reading the Bhagavad Gita), nature walks, sound and energy healing are all ways of soothing, rebalancing, nurturing and healing the Soul. The miracle of nature is that the moment we open to it, it is available to us within and without - ANY time in nature rebalances, restores and reconnects us with the divine source of our light within, which is why we recently took to the forest… to sit, to walk, to read, to swim and explore, to cook our food over the fire, connect with the land, sing with the frogs and breathe so deeply we could taste the earth.


The healing power of Nature works down to the cellular level and triggers within us the body’s natural abilities to heal itself. (The same response is triggered whenever we cut ourselves, for example, and we can witness the cells of the skin and all associated systems moving into “repair & restore” mode.) When we spend time in Nature we are charging our energetic and physical systems - first it purifies, pulling all dissonant energies from our fields, neutralizing and balancing our electromagnetic field by removing the positive ions we are constantly bombarded with from technology, electromagnetic radiation, atmospheric frequencies and basically “modern living”, which are not good for us and often leave us feeling “drained” and without energy to do things we enjoy, and flooding us with negative ions that restore and repair the imbalances within us. Many of us don’t realize we are constantly receiving positive ions off our electrical devices, computer screens and cell phones “magnetizing” us to their frequencies which are not resonant with nature’s frequencies of which are divinely designed. As the positive ions magnetize to us and build in our systems, we may start to feel tired, anxious, depressed and stressed as our natural energies become increasingly out of balance, for at the same time that we are collecting harmful positive ions, negative ions are attracted to and magnetize to the screens.

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Recent studies have shown that the negative ions received from the Earth have a very positive effect on humans, our health and our mood. Negative ions are odourless, tasteless, “invisible” molecules of energy found in greatest abundance in forests, beaches, natural waters (especially waterfalls and thunderstorms), parks, rivers and in Earth. When we “bathe” in nature, we are literally bathing in negative ions which are rebalancing our entire system of bodies, mind and aura. The charge we get from Nature is one of the best ways we can “plug ourselves back in” to the higher vibrations and divine resonance of our souls and Earth. It requires very little effort. Nature invites us to come and simply “be”, to observe, to witness with wonder the wisdom of Divine. Nature invites us to remember what it feels like to “be okay” and be here now… Nature only presents us with Truth and Divine Universal Laws. It is where we can meet ourselves with honesty and clarity and remember why we are here now.

Research has shown that negative ions help reduce lung conditions and stimulate more oxygen to the brain, creating more alertness, quicker and more clear thinking and the clearing of the common “brain fog” which often results from too much absorption of positive ions output from our screens, as well as dense, urban living. A build up of too many positive ions in our bodies may cause a myriad of challenges that may often be attributed to something else - among the recorded side effects of too much positive ion exposure are: depression, fatigue, increase in allergies and asthma, “unexplained” aches and pains, sleeplessness, migraines, nausea, heart palpitations and many other medical concerns. There is much that can be shared on this topic - a simple search will lead to many new findings revealing what yoga has known and taught for millennia - we must be connected with Nature in order to be whole and in order to do that, we must go within to (re)connect with our True Divine Nature on the journey of self-realization.

While it is always nice to get away and camp or retreat in wild nature, just as important is recognizing that nature is all around us, for it is in us and there are many ways to activate that well-spring of divine healing frequencies no matter where you live. From parks to rivers to streams to oceans and trees alongside the road, we have the ability to connect to Mother Earth in a myriad of ways. From the food we eat, the water we drink and the plants and animals we have in our home; the “weeds” in the garden and the courageous plant growing through cement are all showing us that everything we truly need to survive and thrive is offered to us of the Earth, of Nature and of the Divine.

We have a choice to love ourselves and take care of our bodies and minds by supporting the divine design of the true nature of our nature - organic, alive, strong and powerful forces of Nature that flows through us as the force of Life that is Creation that is ever-changing, evolving and growing. As we become more conscious and aware of the true infinite potential of humanity, we will remember that everything is connected.


  • forests

  • beaches

  • rivers, running waters and especially waterfalls

  • going outside after thunderstorms or heavy rain falls


  • Himalayan salt lamps give off negative ions (especially good around electronics / home offices etc.)

  • indoor water fountains

  • plants throughout the home

  • beeswax candles give off negative ions

  • sitting next to a real fire

  • certain crystals are known to transmute positive to negative ions

  • humidifiers and essential oils

  • walking barefoot (especially outdoors)


If you’re looking to get more connected to your true divine nature, check out our upcoming (RE)connect to Your Nature Retreat! Because we are unable to host live events right now, two of our amazing SAHA teachers have have put together a 2 day virtual retreat designed to help us all get more connected to the Nature without and within!

Join us and many others from around the world for three consecutive 3hr sessions over three days and receive inspirations for ways to connect and learn from the Nature surrounding you! Each session will explore the teachings of traditional, holistic ways of living in harmony with our bodies and the Earth. Between sessions you will have the opportunity to explore Nature and apply the teachings and each sessions will offer plenty of time to answer questions.

Wishing you a beautiful day and much time in Nature to rejuvenate your Soul and charge your Spirit.

Namasté SAHA Fam ✨🙏🏽🌲⚡️🌊

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts