online yoga school



VICHARA / VICĀRA - conscious reflection or inquiry; subtle thought. Vichara is a yogic practice offered in Vedanta philosophy that involves stilling the fluctuations of the mind via a contemplative practice.

Love for the SAHA Virtual Ascension Retreats 2020

Love for the SAHA Virtual Ascension Retreats 2020

If you're interested in yoga teacher training, check out this video testimonial review from Samantha about her experience in our first ever Virtual Ascension...

The Power of Mudra Work

The Power of Mudra Work

Mudra means “seal” - when we form a Mudra with our hands, we create energetic & physical connections between power points that allow us to link our individual Pranic life force with universal cosmic energy.
A timeless practise that offers a range of benefits to the practitioner. Especially when in combination with pranayama, asana & meditation, mudras improve physical, mental & spiritual well-being.

Costa Rica Shamanic Yoga Retreat

Costa Rica Shamanic Yoga Retreat

Take a 10day Rainbow Warrior Journey with us through multi-dimensional layers of reality & remembering your Truth! 🌟LIVE LIFE FROM SOUL🌟

Be Your Power Meditation

A meditation I made years ago for a high end, workshop we did once with many facilitators, on manifesting more abundance and living life authentically. This meditation in particular became an integral part of yoga teacher trainings and my own life after it was channeled in and helped transform many people from its birthing! It was recorded during a 200hr yoga teacher training on Galiano Island, B.C. Canada. Thank you to all the amazing Angels who were there to assist this process of creation! Enjoy! Sat Nam.

- Eli






Be LOVE. Sat Nam.

What is Yoga?

WHAT IS YOGA? It is a question that starts many of us on this path.. a journey of ten thousand miles that begins with the ground beneath you wherever you might find yourself. Yoga is an ever-expanding, rather uncontainable force of love & positive change. Often and correctly referred to as UNION, It means something different to everyone.