ascension blog

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.4 - The Path of Abundance " I am nature, nature is me..."

Dear Nature Divine,

Mother Nature in all of her forms is abundant, just as you are naturally abundant as you are part of nature. Every manifestation of nature requires many components to make a whole picture, many colors to paint the landscape, many pieces to the puzzle of life to complete the circle. Nature is about harmony, balance and diversity, when we allow nature to be diverse, to be expressed and to be honored we see the true abundance available in even the tiniest of spaces. To become one with nature one must accept the natural abundance within, all aspects and manifestations of the divine into a physical form share the innate abundance of the universe. It takes billions of cells to make up a body, it takes billions of blades of grass to make up a meadow and trillions of grains of sand to make up even a foot of a beach, everything that nature shows us, shows us abundance and community. The beauty of a landscape is not achieved by a singular vision or entity, although one tree may be beautiful standing on it’s own, is it really ever on it’s own? Part of the beauty of nature is that everything is a moving manifestation of the balancing forces of creation. The tree requires the soil, the soil requires the water, the mycelium require the soil, the water and the dead parts of the tree, the entire network of life is built up layer by layer with abundance, community, harmony and balance, every part of the picture giving way to its next part and so on. In observation of this divine dance of the natural order of life we see that nothing is ever lost, we observe that in true nature there is nothing wasted, everything is used to create more for the next stage of life. Humanity has been separated from the natural harmony of life which teaches us to be like nature; never waste, always support one another, always continue growing, be adaptable, co-exist in beauty, abundance, community and harmony.

Observation is a key when living in a state of abundance, it is important to observe the vibration of the body and energy when creating visions, experiences and manifesting work and community in our lives. The higher the vibration we can be at when creating something new in our lives to experience the higher the vibration is which comes back to us in return, meaning greater abundance in our lives. Generally when our attitude is negative or heavy, heaviness follows us. When we embody a state of lightness, excitement and joy, we are more likely to be productive and create greater abundance in our lives. Everything is energy, the energy we put into life is the energy we get back, when we continue to live out of balance with the natural self, we create greater imbalances within us and throughout the world. In order to truly respond to the great shift of consciousness and walk the path of ascension abundantly, humanity is asked to change the mindset that they are separate from nature. It is important to remember and return to the mindset of oneness with nature, that as we are part of this planet we are one with this planet, we are all here meant to grow and support each other just as the water, the soil, the mycelium and the trees, we are the animal kingdom, we are meant to be here for specific jobs and one of our jobs is stewardship.

We pray for you to remember that humanity is here to steward the earth, to take care of the earth, to be here to assist as hands and feet on the ground to walk softly upon the earth, observe and be aware of when we can assist in the flow of life. Our hope for humanity is that you will remember that your path is one with the earth, the evolution of Gaia, will be your evolution, when it is time for her to balance everything out again, she will, whether you are prepared for it or not. What we would like to suggest is that you do prepare for a great shift in what abundance and prosperity even really are. Is abundance really big houses and fancy cars? Maybe to some it represents that but is it the true abundance we are meant to be here to care for? Is it abundance to create barren lands for the sake of excess? Nature provides more than any of us need already and when we manipulate her into producing even more of some specific things while at the sake of destroying the diversity, we are creating imbalance.

The imbalance of human society when it comes to living with nature is at an all time high, we do not wish to bring you fear or alarm, we do wish to let you know to prepare for a change in consciousness where perhaps the value of what is prosperity, what is abundance, changes it’s significance. What if we lived in a way which saw growing of food as individuals and communities to be abundant and prosperous? What if it was a “selling feature” of a property or house that the soil is healthy and there is a lot of space to grow food? What if we honored the diversity of the nature around a home as the significance of value, not simply the size of the lot, or how much money one can make off of it… what if it was about harmony and balance with nature which we gave value to? Humanity is being called to start to remember that there is no lack, there is only abundance. Living in harmony with nature is possible. It is possible to preserve instead of destroy, it is possible to diversify instead of monopolize, it is all possible. It may take many great shifts in consciousness and many changes to the functions of society. We hope you can start with the step of remembering that everything is destined to grow, you are part of that destiny. Take a few breaths and affirm aloud “ I am nature, Nature is me!” , “ Thank you for the abundance that I am” , “ I am nature, Nature is me”, “ I am one with the natural abundance of the universe” !

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8 - The Path of Dharma (conclusions)

Dear Infinite Creative Lifeforce Potential,

We write to you today to bring you a bit of a summary on The Path of Dharma as we have offered in the previous 9 volumes of this publication. We ask of you to really allow yourself to sink into a space of loving awareness, take a few deep intentional breaths, envision your thoughts dissolving away and allow the body to open to integration. Clearing the mind, body and spirit with one’s breath and intention, as we have mentioned before is one of the key ways to align with dharma, it requires daily practices and commitment to those practices which allow us to clear the mind and body in order to align with and clearly listen to the soul. Dharma is all about balance, harmony and communication, we are given the gift of the temple of the body in order to become clear channels of divine wisdom, every single being has this opportunity, to be the bridge between earth and sky, material and immaterial, corporeal and divine. We are given the chance to awaken to our true nature and walk the path before us by releasing programs and conditions in order to become truly present with the moment.

Loving awareness is the key to living in Dharma, to walk the path of soul destiny our awareness needs to be attuned to the state of unconditional love so we are always learning, receiving and growing from our experiences instead of judging and getting stuck within them.

The universe is a home of unconditional love, there is only loving awareness underneath everything, karma seeks to bring us back to loving awareness, however it may tear apart our identified self, the ego and all of its clinging in order to illuminate the truth of self beneath it all. - The Path of Ascension Vol.7.3

We encourage you to remember and realize that all things are coming up for clearing at this time, many of you are going through a “dark night of the soul”, the collective is moving through this process as one. All of the aspects of creation which are out of alignment with the true nature of humanity are coming up for release and alchemical reconfiguration. Unreal to the real, untruth to truth, darkness to light, death to immortality. Humanity has always been on the path to self realization, this path is the dharma of the universe working through all karma. The nature of everything is to evolve and expand, the nature of the universe is to become one again with all that is. All aspects of divinity weave together the tapestry of harmony, the universe is meant to be a symphony of colour and sound. Frequencies of all kinds coming together to form the AUM. “Who are we really?”, resounding through all of creation, an anchor of remembering the nature of divinity that we truly are. To find balance along the path of creation and dharma is both a challenge and a gift, the challenge brings us greater strength and awareness therefore within it lies that very gift. Avoidance of challenge or discomfort in life holds us back, we are not encouraging you to create problems or indulge and perpetuate suffering in your life, we are encouraging you to remember that you are part of the whole, part of oneness, to remember that every thought you think and action you take holds some sort of resonance within the collective. The vibration from which we resonate our thoughts has a great deal to do with what situations manifest in our lives, we pray for you to remember that you are a co-creator and with that ability you always have the power to choose how to respond to situations of challenge and adversity. The power to change your state, your vibration and any situation you are facing is always within you, even where conditions, programs and trauma are stored in the body, there is always a solution and there is always a choice, self-healing requires commitment and devotion, to heal the self is to meet dharma in the temple of the body.

Much of society today faces the dilemma of feeling lacking in purpose, people are stressed and saddened by much of what they devote their time to each day for the sake of keeping up with society as well as to survive. With so much distraction from soul directly built into the very fabric of society, taking time to self care and devote to healing practices seems like a fantasy to a lot of people. How is one supposed to align with truth when much of their identity is based off of illusion or fear? We have mentioned that fear is one of the biggest controlling forces on earth, especially at this time, fear perpetuates the illusion. We also offered a brief assay on “maya- illusion” within volume 7.9 The Path of Dharma of Soul.

There is always something to learn and integrate while evolving, along The Path of Ascension, self awareness and forgiveness of self is key. For any human to intend embodiment of higher consciousness, divine consciousness, unconditional love, higher awareness, loving awareness, enlightenment, oneness, what have you…. all paths require the step of self-love. To truly love another, one must love themselves. We see so many rampant psychological and physiological imbalances appearing in society today, it is one aspect to intend to repair these things, however without a radical shift in consciousness and the way we are living as a collective it is less likely we will encounter true healing. One is tasked with changing core beliefs if one intends to heal.

We called this section The Path of Dharma (conclusions) because we wish to bring together some of the keys of aligning with dharma, however in Dharma nothing really concludes, nothing really ends, it all becomes new again. To align with Dharma is to align with divine timing, to be open to the cyclical nature of time, allowing yourself to be fully present with each now moment. The true nature of the universe is that everything which “ends” feeds a new beginning. All of the layers of life are always interconnected as part of one ending and the next beginning. The greatest magic to dharma is presence, presence with the eternal now moment, the present is named such because it is a gift, we are given the gift of transformation, of cycles of death and rebirth in order to be able to learn the power of surrender. There are some things in life that are simply meant to pass, we can not control those moments, first is to surrender to them, then is to become aware of the reactions to them. When we become aware of the true gift of the present moment whether the experience is “good” or “bad” we learn that every experience and how we react to it is our choice and all lies in the perceptions we hold. Nothing and no one is ever truly lost, everything and everyone is offered to the cycle of time as part of the new present in some way or another. Consciousness, like energy can never be destroyed, it can only transform.

We pray for you to remember that you are transforming, in every breath and every moment, part of you is renewed, you are given so many tools to work with in order to make the alchemy of transformation one of lower to higher states instead of the reverse which much of society is tailored to. Keep on rising Beloved beings! We are with you every step of the way all you need to do is ask for clarity and messengers will arrive to you through the mysteries of the universe!

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!

गते गते पार गते पार संगते बोधि स्वाहा