Many of us have been feeling the building intensity, emotion and flow as we move through the shifting consciousness within our world at this time. This is the time of remembering our purpose on this Earth and for experiencing how this remembering heals the grief of forgetting who we are in this life.
Breathing Consciousness..
From breathing air to breathing consciousness, the souls who are called to this online teacher training are typically ready for massive spiritual upgrades and have been looking for some time for a path that will lead them within instead of further “without”.
Many of our students experience significant and positive life shifts going through our program - it is energetically designed to help expand your field of consciousness so that you can hold space for manifesting the life you want.
We are grateful to have Christina sharing some of her thoughts on the online YTT 200hr SAHA program:
“Essentially, I went into the program still breathing air and came out of it breathing consciousness. ”
"One of best things about the online yoga school teacher training is the ability to continue living your life anywhere in the world as you do it and to witness how your life changes as you move through the course.
I didn't do the YTT200HR to start working as a teacher in studios right away - I did it to deeply know mySelf and innerstand my purpose;
I did it to learn more about the ANCIENT art & science of this practise that has always strengthened and sustained me - to bring the knowledge and the wisdom deeply into my practise and integrate into my daily life.
I did it to better understand my physical anatomy and energetic bodies; to expand awareness and see mySelf for who I truly am;
I did it to deepen my meditative practise; to bring the true essence of yogic teachings off the matt and into my daily life...
🌈🌈 BUT what I didn't realize before I started this course was how much this process would change me and my life in positive ways i couldn't have imagined before doing it - I am deeply more aware and connected to ALL THAT IS - an unfolding of rememberings and awakenings lighting the path I can now humbly walk with honesty, reverence and surrender..
The teachings within course are so much more than we first perceive.. I discovered my heart again, I remembered why I came to Earth and the light warriors path. I have found parts of myself I forgot I lost and am still learning to integrate. I am forever humbled, awakened and inspired by these teachings.
Essentially, I went into the program still breathing air and came out of it breathing consciousness.
Amongst everything I hoped for in taking this teacher training, I have come to innerstand that we are the ones who stand in our own way. It is not our fault and we are all exactly where we are supposed to be, but if you feel a calling to expand your consciousness and connect with your highest Self, this program will guide you.
When we come back into spiritual alignment, the Sacred returns - our awareness expands immensely and our ability to communicate clearly, alchemize energies and manifest love, healing and abundance is actualized.
I have been taken on a sacred journey to my true Self - peeling away all the layers of who I wasn’t in order to realize and remember who I AM.
With immense gratitude, I thank you.
Aho! Namaste 🙏🏼
Sat Nam"
- christina, SAHA YTT200hr Graduate 🙏🏼🌺🦋
SAHA 200HR ONLINE YTT - Join our growing global community of Soul Ascension Yoga Teachers! Study and practise from wherever you are in the world at your own pace. Grow and learn from the ancient art and science of yoga through mantra, meditation, mudra, asana, kriya practises.. and discover your yogic path!