11:11 Portal

Many of us have been feeling the building intensity, emotion and flow as we move through the shifting consciousness within our world at this time. This is the time of remembering our purpose on this Earth and for experiencing how this remembering heals the grief of forgetting who we are in this life.

The grief of forgetting who we are cascades into all different areas of life and through our energetic and physical bodies. It is a grief that many of us cannot name, move through or understand until we remember why we carry it. Coming to Earth as Souls ready to live and experience the wonders of this realm, Earth is a most magnificient wonder planet in our galaxy with so much to offer the expansion of life across the universe… most humans do not yet embody the purpose they carry within them. Not all humans are here for the same purpose of course, but many of us are. Many of us came to raise the consciousness on Earth to a place of remembering Truth.

Some might say those who fight cannot create positive change for that which we resist persists. But there is a way to stand true in our power - consciously aware and rooted in purposeful embodiment - that allows us to stand FOR a new Earth returning to our roots of connection with ALL that is manifesting in this reality as Beacons of Light.


  • remembering is encoded in our Soul and in our DNA

  • remembering dissolves the Maya (all Illusion)

  • remembering transforms, transmutes and alchemizes all that isn’t serving us

  • remembering calls to the angels of the sky who are arriving here

  • remembering helps us embody the light workers, light warriors, peace-makers, dream-weavers, truth-tellers WE ARE

  • remembering we are human and divine nature lives as us in us

  • remembering we are food growers, nurturers of life, protectors of water, forests & creatures

  • it’s time for CONSCIOUS EMBODIMENT - reveal the gifts we have been hiding

  • entering two years of transformation in divine manifestation

  • remembering the PEACE within even and especially during chaos

  • Earth’s massive changes are forms of Consciousness changing within

  • it is time to re-write reality and rise as ONE


The time is only ever NOW and NOW is the time of the great awakening. People everywhere are waking up to the things they have always felt to be true. Humanity is waking up to the greatest trick of all - that everything we have been searching for, digging for and fighting for lays within each of our hearts. The secrets to the universe are not held inside gated communities or by those with title and pomp. The secret to who we are is no secret at all. We hear the call in our dreams, we feel it in our bodies - when we experiment with the physical world we live in and choose to embody the experiences, we begin to remember who we are.

Now is the time of great chaos - shaking up, waking up and creating the Self-awareness needed to level up our consciousness as a humanity. It is time to unite in the centre of our hearts, to lift those up who are lost and to heal the GRIEF of every soul who has forgotten who they are.

Mother Earth is giving us this time and holding this space for humanity to awaken and remember that no one gets left behind. We have a choice everyday - embody our divine truth and hold space for others to do the same or to turn away from who we are, search externally for riches and rewards empty of purpose and ripe with insatiable greed - the kind of greed that feeds off of fear and doubt and has been swallowing many of us whole. Not because we are greedy, but because we believe that by possessing more, we will be “better than”, “greater than”, “more powerful” but everything we “possess” ends up “possessing us” and we become servants to the illusions that keep us from remembering.


We all seek to know the unknown, the secrets of the universe. And yet most do not even know their own wants and needs. take wing on the sun-strengthen winds of 11:11. Your eternal heart, the heart of the most-high Creator will lead you in the direction of perfect flow. Anoint with this knowledge for a new level of life that has been sequestered bursts forth from your atoms. Surging with galactic memory of truths that have laid dormant within your soul, sleeping until the arrival of a holiness that surpasses any religion.

This 11:11 in all of its glory is an Initiation beyond what can be seen and felt. It demands 100% of our attention as it makes its way through our veins and life. Within it lives bio-chemical encodings that house dormant DNA that awakens as the clock strikes 11:11. All gates of 11:11 depart at the same time since linear time is neither here nor there. This 2019 11:11 teaches us every problem comes with a heavenly solution. It shows us how to see beyond what is every day and tedious. It tests our faith and our belief system. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and then just shine.”

- Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts