Dear Wholeness within,
We pray you have been taking the time and space you need to integrate forgiveness, awareness, fortification of your mind, body and spirit, and unification with all the miraculous aspects of who you truly are.
Our message today is simple, clear your mind, allow the miracles of the universe to flow through you. There is nothing to be afraid of and no reason to suffer or struggle. You have the power and the strength to break through all barriers and integrate all lessons. The more experiences you have the the more strengths you will gather when you find gratitude and love for all of those experiences. You are already a being of divine infinity, when you connect to the aspects of yourself you have denied or forgotten by loving and integrating them as lessons in strengthening your being, evolving your self and gathering wisdom, you start to realize your own divinity. When you are open to meeting and reflecting upon the divine infinite nature of who you are, you are beginning to self-realize, which is to awaken and realize the true self within and all around us. Everything and everyone becomes a divine reflection of the light within as that is already what you are. We are all reflections of the consciousness of divinity, co-creations of the infinite light of source interweaving energy fields with each other, sparking cosmic interactions and evolving souls.
Clear your mind with sacred breath, let go of the old, let go of the conditioning and integrate the light and love of soul. Now is the time to embody the true unconditional loving nature of source consciousness. Open your heart to receive divine inspiration and integrate the heavenly realms into your mind and body, here and now. Allow yourself to receive the healing and teachings of the true soul within you and let the magic of your being resonate out with the song of the universe, integrate the wisdom of your true expression into this life, here and now. We are all here to bring the light and love into the earth, we have mentioned before that the process of ascension is not about abandoning the material realm, it is about learning to live in harmony, reverence and rejoicing of the divinity that is reflected within the miracles of the material realm and the beauty of the nature which allows us to see the reflection. Breathe deeply each moment and allow yourself to be purified by the prana of the universe, integrating the light of infinite life into your body, resonate out at the frequencies of vitality and joy!
Every moment gives us the opportunity to grow from our experiences, the way we grow is by observation and reflection. We are not as simple as plants, not that the plant world is not complex in it’s own right and divinely intelligent, humans require observation of growth to fulfill their full purpose, simply to grow without reflecting upon the cycles and patterns of ones existence leads to unawareness and ignorance which is the opposite of growth for the soul living a human experience. We breathe in, we breathe out, we consume, we move, we eliminate waste, we are alive, the life within us, requires more than simple existing and living in order to truly grow. The growth that humans need, crave and are really destined for is the growth which comes from reflection and connection, humans are meant to have their perspectives shifted and expanded throughout their lives, this is what makes life and enriching experience. The more isolated or sheltered a mind is throughout it’s time on earth the less integrated that soul will be and may require a lifetime with many many rapid fire experiences in order to learn and integrate from all of the aspects of the reason to be here in the manifest natural world.
This world however is steeped in and soppy with illusion, this is another reason why integration of our experiences is so important, when we go around disintegrated or fragmented, stuck in the past or stuck in the future, separate from the now, we start to be in a state of cognitive dissonance and a hypnotic semi-present shadow of the self takes over our lives. This version self is run by ego and attachments and often falls into different forms of auto pilot mode as a result of being now in a highly suggestable, malleable and manipulatable state.
This is one of the goals of the dark forces and controlling energies which seek to separate you from your power and keep it under their reign, they seek to separate you from yourself through perpetual trauma, desensitization and assaults upon the senses in order to turn you into the ultimate consumer and the ultimate payer of attention. Your absolute greatest resource is your time, your time here in the physical body is finite, even though you may get another chance, it is a reserve which can not be filled until you move on from this body, this personality, this heart, love, soul and family that you are and have now. This reserve is forgiving however and is not necessarily only useful for life itself, time is useful for how you choose to spend it. You can choose to get stuck in dissatisfied auto-pilot mode or you can choose to take your power back and tell that programmed mindset to “gtfo” as the kids are saying these days.
We wish for you to be free of your baggage, the weight and densities of your past, how can you expect to “spend your time wisely” when you are stuck in attachment to the past or fears of the future? Interesting is it not, there are very few things we “spend” we spend money, we spend time, we spend energy …… what else? Hmmm
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