3 Ways to...: 3 Choices you can Make now to Make this Year Miraculous

Dear soul within,

Do you feel the vibrations of transformation buzzing in your body, some part of you ready to break out into new forms of greatness and beauty! This year gives us the chance to do just that! Sure this year might be special, there is some numerology going on, there are astrological alignments coming, humanity has shifted in a big way in the last few years and we are ready for more, but it is not just about some lucky year, some special numerology, some celestial bodies playing with our heads, another retrograde, another apocalypse, the change of the age, the era, another moment, politician or hashtag! NO, no, no my friends, it is not about any of these things we may be conditioned to give our power over to, it is about us, about us making choices to work with the present energies, it is about you choosing to say, “I am ready to take control and be empowered in my life!” So if you are hoping to make this an amazing, miraculous, abundant year. There are three choices you can make right now in order to make your dreams for your new year come true!

  1. STOP Dwelling on THE PAST

    There is no reason to get caught up on what you haven’t done yet, on how much you have failed before or on any of the negative thinking which is limiting you from realizing your potential. We all get stuck sometimes, we all hit bumps in the road, challenges are a natural part of life and are meant for us to learn from, to grow from, to integrate and help others do better next time. We need to change our mindset in society and instead of beating each other and ourselves up for our mistakes, maybe we need to relish in them, celebrate them and ask each other; well, what have you learned? You deserve better than to be held back by self pity and the shadowy ghouls of your past suffering! Why dwell on the old things you could have done or didn’t do when you are here in the NOW in a new and eternal moment. To focus on the past is to pull you back from the miraculous potential of the new moment. Sure you fucked up, sure you fell down, sure you lost it… the truth is, all of us go through periods of serious miscommunication with the universe and the spirit within us.

    The more the mind dwells on the past without accepting, learning and moving on, the more disconnected we become. Stay connected! Stay in the NOW! Accept that everything which has come before you was there to teach you and remind of the greater truth of your divine nature and power, you are so much more than you have allowed yourself to be but if you put yourself back in the same place by dwelling on what you are not, how can you expect to realize what you are?

    So next time you think of that “mistake” you made or how you “haven’t done enough yet”, stop and ask yourself; what have I learned?

  2. Do Something Healthy for Yourself Right NOW

    If you have gone through a year of your life before, or many, simply hoping to make a change but have not made that change it is important to ask yourself, what am I resisting, what am I afraid of? Maybe you want to get healthier, stronger, faster, more organized, more confident, passionate, excited and driven, most of us do want all of this. Sometimes to want all of it at once when we feel we are missing “it” simply creates an experience of lack or “scarcity consciousness” which enforces the brain to believe itself to be inferior to that which it wants as things it does not yet have. The truest way I have seen to make real change is to realize the aspect of ourselves we are reaching for, from within first. If I want to be healthier, I have to change the part of me which is choosing to be unhealthy and the only way to change part of us is to take action, and the important part is to take a different action than what the habits are telling us to do. You may want to eat another ice cream or hamburger because habits and pleasure say you do, but then, when you feel down on yourself for your body not being as healthy as you would like it to be you actually compound two unhealthy substrates into your body, the matter you took in which was unhealthy and the thought which says I am unhealthy because I made this choice.

    When we take a moment to step back and ask ourselves, how much do I really need this right now? The habit becomes a space of self inquiry and in this self inquiry we can connect to the deeper reason why we are taking actions which enforce a low state of health instead of a high one.

    Right now, you can make a choice, to drink some extra water, go for a walk in nature, do some yoga, have a mini workout, have a nap, do a meditation, to do anything healthy for yourself that you can which deviates you from your habit. By choosing to act now towards greater health and taking one small step in the moment you will begin to encourage the part of you which actually wants to be healthy to override the part of you that does not.

  3. Take full responsibility for your life

    If you want to change, you must take full responsibility for yourSelf and life. You need to believe that you have the power to change, because you do! You are a walking miracle already, it doesn’t actually really make sense that you would not have a miraculous year and if you have had bad years before, maybe part of you wasn’t choosing the best possible you to walk with each day.

    Of course, there are external circumstances, losses of life situations and loved ones which can definitely knock us down, however, the choice to stay down or rise above is always available to us and this is the real key in life in order to manifest your dreams into reality. You and god, the universe, the cosmic mother are always co-creating, CO-CREATING means it is all one great process of evolution, your desires and your deepest needs are constantly uploaded to the universal design and the universe is always seeking to bring balance to the forces of will, desire, need, and growth (amongst many many other forces but these are where the sentient emotional soul being is largely concerned with)

    Your will influences your energy, your energy influences your desires, desires and needs are intrinsically linked but may not always be the same and in order to grow we need to find balance between these forces. The universe may bring balance to you but it is ultimately up to you to decide how to use your time here on earth, if it is all filled with desires and no will, we can not grow, if it is all will and desire and no need, we can not grow, if life is known as a process of growth and evolution, we gather the will power to fulfill the desire to grow which then covers all of our needs, because to grow our needs must be fulfilled. This is your responsibility to discover and choose for yourself how to be responsible for your own fulfillment and happiness within you.

    If you want a year of miracles, you need to take responsibility for the fact that you are a walking miracle with unfathomable power to co-create with the universe and you can and will create everything you will with your energy. This means if you choose to lean into negative energy you bring in and will negative energy to your life, this creates cloudiness and confusion, our environment becomes toxic and we stop growing. When we lean into and allow positive energy to flow from us we bring in and will that positive force into the world and continue to grow. Responsibility for the power of being a human co-creator is of the utmost importance at this time. If you are playing a victim right now, giving up on life, hoping for a magic solution, blaming others for your problems whether people or the system, waiting to make a change because you are doubting yourself or afraid, if you are making others feel small to make yourself feel big, stop all of that and allow yourself to take responsibility for your life, for yourself and for the change you will become and create.

    I am a divine co-creator, one with the force of creation, one with the miracle of life!

Blessings to your New Year! May you find all that you wish to embody coming to you in the NOW

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts