As we step into another year, we stand before the cycles and seasons that are yet to come. “What will 2021 be like?” - a question everyone wants the answer to right now, especially after 2020.
Yoga teaches us many things - from the secrets of ancient mystery teachings that remind us of who we truly are and the infinite potential we truly are, to the modern application of quantum physics espousing the very thing yoga has taught for thousands of years - and above all is the realization that consciousness and intention are everything in a sentient, co-creative universe. We are taught that Self-realization is the ultimate goal of yoga - a path which may take many lifetimes…
Artist Unknown.
Stilling the waters of the mind, unlearning our false identities, balancing our karmas and releasing our deeply embedded samskaras, is no easy feat. It is a path that calls the yogi’s Soul to return to it, lifetime after lifetime, until we have come to realize ourselves as the ALL THAT IS. It is the call of your soul.
At the time of the common new year, the common tradition is to set “resolutions” that we believe will make our life better, improve our well-being and make us happier people. This common, modern ritual is rooted in ancient traditions and customs which were very much in tune with Nature, the seasons, energies and cycles. The importance of rest during the dark, winter months was well known, but instead of watching tv during long, dark periods, people dreamt. They dreamt of what was to come in the year ahead because they knew that minds are powerful tools of perception, as well as projection - they knew that we are always co-creating our reality with forces bigger and subtler than us in physical form; they knew the power of conscious intention to create anew the world in which we live each year. And they knew how because they lived their lives in resonant harmony with their Divine Nature.
Whether they knew they were doing it or not, people planted the seeds of consciousness in their hearts and minds by thinking about how they wanted to create the year ahead for themselves and their communities, for the seeds which are planted in the dark of Winter will sprout in the Spring.
Everything that comes manifest in this world begins with a dream. Sometimes we dream the same old dream, over and over again, and in truth, we all have that birthright. But sometimes, whether from a place of courage or boredom, we choose - as is our birthright - to dream the world anew.
We choose the path of realization at different times and in different ways, but yoga is always there waiting to guide us back home to the place within the heart where reflections are the most vibrant and we may once again see ourselves in Truth, know ourselves in Truth and embody our Divinity by aligning with our dharmic path and soul purpose.
It is only our attention that needs to shift in order for us to experience a year with purpose, joy, health and abundance in all ways.
The Spring Equinox is an ancient time of celebration for “a new year”. Welcoming back the light to shine on consciousness - energizing our souls and the lands we call home; melting away the cold of Winter and warming the Earth with the energy required to sprout and grow the seeds we so carefully planted during the cold and dark Winter months.
What will 2021 be like? NOW is the time to decide.
NOW is the time to DREAM.
NOW is the time to visualize the things you wish to actualize in the light of Spring.
So if you want to be healthy this year, start by claiming YOUR health as yours - then take the steps necessary to reach and maintain the health you desire, but know that as you claim it to be yours, the Divine as you and all you have come to know, responds and your soul echo may once again be heard as it guides you along the path of aligning to your claim.
If you want to start a new business, claim it. If you want to live a year in tune with your highest vibration, in alignment with your highest timeline and in flow with your Divine path, claim it now.
Write in your journals, paint the canvases of your mind with beautiful moving pictures of that you wish to create. Claim yourself as a Divine Creator Being, here with Divine Purpose and Intention. Acknowledge that you have the inherent birthright to be here now - and that you have the Divine birthright to live in peace and abundance with a happy heart.
The path of Ascension is the path of Self-Realization is the Yogic Path.
We do not “ascend” to “somewhere else”; we do not leave our bodies and the Earth “behind” - in fact, as we ascend we are raising our vibrational frequency to higher levels of awareness so that we may once again embody our True Light. To ascend is to realize oneself as the Divine in everything - including oneself.
As we pierce through the veils of illusion and embody our birthright to Know Who We Are in Truth, the false and the old will fall away and die, and we must be willing to let them go in order to make room for the new. As we release the ideas and attachments that no longer serve us - including self-limiting beliefs, matrix programming, judgment, separation, fear, etc - many subconscious patterns will rise to the surface for clearing. Awareness is the key for releasing. That which is false cannot continue to exist in light of awareness that is the Divine. As the illusions fall away, we become less dense and we create the SPACE that will allow for the light of our Divine Soul to shine through us as who we are in Truth.
2021 will be a defining year for humanity and the planet. It is our opportunity to KNOW ourselves and this world anew and to claim it the way we wish to live. In peace, in health, in community, love, abundance, truth, beauty and joy!