
ॐ Vrksasana // In many Indian traditions, trees, specifically the ashoka tree, are symbols of love & devotion. Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-ah-nah) can deceptively challenging.

ॐ Begin in Tadasana (mountain pose), with feet parallel & four to six inches apart (the distance of about two fists). Then shift your weight onto your left foot as you bend your right knee, & place the sole of your right foot BELOW or ABOVE your standing-leg knee (not on the knee!) The knee in your standing leg should be slightly bent but strong & supported. Press your foot against your leg, and your leg against your foot with equal pressure. This will help you keep both hips squared toward the front so your right hip doesn't spin out.

ॐ Lengthen your tailbone to toward Mother Earth & lift your crown toward Father Sky to elongate & straighten the spine. Activate your belly in & your lower ribs together. Lift the chest & bring the shoulder blades down. Breathe deeply… 

ॐ Take 5 to 10 breaths in this posture, staying activated, lengthening & strengthening throughout the body. Then on an exhale, lower your left foot to the floor & do the other side with the same integrity as the first side. 

ॐ Steady your gaze (drishti): Looking at one point while balancing will allow you to stay in the pose longer. When you feel ready, you may challenge your balance by looking up or closing your eyes.

ॐ Vrksasana stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders. It builds strength in the ankles & calves, and tones the abdominal muscles.  Practicing balancing poses in yoga, such as Tree Pose, will help you gain both physical & mental steadiness & strength. 

ॐ For more information on yoga or to discover how you too can become a yoga teacher from home anywhere in the world! Visit: www.soulascensionhealingarts.com 

Sat Name

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts