The Adi Mantra that precedes Kundalini Yoga practice, tuning one into the higher self, the Golden Chain of Kundalini Yoga teachers, Devis & Devas, God & Source.
Ong - Infinite Creator, God, Source & that from which all creativity & life flows.
Namo - “reverent Greetings”, implying humility;
Guru - “teacher or wisdom”;
Dev means “Divine or of God”;
Namo reaffirms humility & reverence.
Chanted for protection, the vibration of this mantra surrounds the magnetic field with protective light and means “I bow to the primal Guru (guiding consciousness who takes us to God-Realization), I bow to wisdom through the ages, I bow to the True Wisdom, I bow to the great unseen wisdom.”
AKAL, MAHA KAL: “Undying, Great death”. Gives prana, removes fear and relaxes the mind.
GURU GURU WAHE GURU, GURU RAM DAS GURU: This mantra calls upon Guru Ram Das in praise of his spiritual guiding light and protective grace.
HAR: Creative Infinity, a name of God, Source, Creator. HARA is another form. HARI is the active form of creation, another name for God.
HARI NAM, SAT NAM, HARI NAM, HARI. HARI NAM, SAT NAM, SAT NAM, HARI: The name of God is the true name.
HUM DUM HAR HAR: This mantra opens the Heart Chakra and means “We the universe, God, God”.
ONG: Creator, The primal Vibration from which all creativity flows.
chanted for healing.
Ra - Father Sun,
Ma - Sister Moon,
Da - Mother Earth,
Sa - Infinity - ALL that Is
Say - the totality of Infinity / All That Is
So Hung - I am Thou / I Am That which is All That Is
To totality of all the elements, as above, so below, as within so without.
“Ra Ma Da Sa” is the Earth Mantra.
“Sa Say So Hung” is the Ether Mantra.
The vibrations raised while chanting “Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung” awakens healing energy in yourself and in our world.”
ONG SO HUNG: This is “Creator, I am Thou!” It is a heart-opening and empowering mantra.
PRANA, APANA, SUSHUMNA, HARI. HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI: Prana is the life force, and Sushumna is the central channel for that force. This mantra helps draw energy up the spine for healing. Hari and Har are names of God.
PRITVI HAI, AKASH HAI, GURU RAM DAS HAI: (See “Dharti Hai”). Pritvi means earth, calling on the name of the venerated Guru Ram Das. This is a very powerful mantra.
SA TA NA MA: The Panj Shabad which expresses the five primal sounds of the Universe.
“S” - Infinity,
“T” - life,
“N” - death
“M” - rebirth.
The 5th sound is “A”.
One of the most frequently used mantras in Kundalini Yoga practise.
SAT NAM: This is the Seed Mantra or Bij Mantra and it is the most widely used mantra in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. Sometimes translated as “truth is my name”.
Sat - truth,
Nam - identity / or to call on the truth, expressing the reality of existence.
Chanting this mantra awakens the soul.
WAHE GURU: The Guru Mantra, the mantra of ecstasy. Not really translatable, it is a both a calling in and reverence and gratitude for all that is. Chanting it elevates the spirit and cleanses the mind, invoking Guru light from within and without.
SAT NAM: This is the Seed Mantra or Bij Mantra and it is the most widely used mantra in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. Sometimes translated as “truth is my name”.
Sat - truth,
Nam - identity / or to call on the truth, expressing the reality of existence.
Chanting this mantra awakens the soul.