The Path of Ascension Vol. 9 - The Path of Self-Esteem

Dear Divine Expression,

We have taken a detour from The Path of Abundance which we will revisit after a little foray into self-esteem. It is time for humanity to recognize, as we do, that the evolution of consciousness which humanity is destined for requires a great transformation in the perceptions of value, worthiness, and self worth even more specifically. The channel writing through to you now as in human form struggles greatly with insecurities. There are times where these insecurities become crippling and disastrous, causing any number of emotional reactions and states of chaotic behavior. There is awareness of the insecurities and their affects, however the healing of the energy is still working its way out and this presents the challenge of still having to go through the varying levels of anxiety associated with the insecurities.

One of the major programs which humanity is struggling with is the program of “ I am not enough” this creates an array of fearful and defensive reactions to life and makes it less than easy to simply enjoy the moment. To have self-esteem is to believe in oneself, to believe there is some form of innate goodness, greatness, beauty within you this is true for all of you, of us, as every single one of us is an expression of the divine.

Every intention we set, every idea or lesson we bring through us initiates us through a portal created from the energies present in our lives, karma and cosmos. Since the channel began writing this article, the portal through finding true self-esteem was activated. The channel was offered a series of financial, emotional, relationship, communication and karmic projects to attend to, observe and experience. Often, on the earth plane, our biggest lessons come to us through what we are afraid we are missing, lacking, or will lose. When it comes to truly believing in ones self it is not necessarily about being any particular way, or expressing in any particular way, it is really about pinpointing ones innate beauty, strength and power, it is a knowing that: “even if I face challenges, I face them with strength, conviction and openness to learn and grow.”. Low self esteem comes from some level of fear, fear we will be judged, fear of not being received or accepted. This fear creates a self perpetuating loop and a self fulfilling prophecy of self sabotage and isolation.

We try to trick ourselves into believing that other people are the problem, or it is because of something we are not getting externally which leads to us feeling this way. The truth is, that if we feel this way, it is within us to feel this way, if we feel like we will do something wrong and cause rejection, if we feel we are not sure if we will be accepted, if we feel we don’t know how to be ourselves, we will undoubtedly create strange reactions to situations and communicate in anxious or stressed ways which simply make things confusing and put up barriers between us and those we wish to interact with, even between ourselves and those we love. It is some sort of subconscious program that when we feel insecure, we create barriers and disconnections which further deepen the insecurity and make it harder to connect. It is as if we believe we are protecting or preserving ourselves by acting in unacceptable ways, some backwards form of control, like; “Oh if I do great things that benefit all and am still not accepted then I really am worthless. so I will do/create mediocre, on the range of troubled or suffering based actions so that I am rejected for my bad parts and not my good parts, this is to be expected as who would want that person anyways.” This is some sort of backwards conditioning which says I am good or bad and if I am a certain way I deserve rejection, if I am a different way I do not deserve rejection, but if I am that way, I still can not face being rejected. This holds us back from being our best selves, thus relieving us of the ability to have self esteem, how can you believe in a self that is not really you, not your full true self, how can you have your confidence placed in a version of yourself you don’t even trust because you know it is the one which “deserves rejection” you know its the “bad parts” anyways so you can handle that pain, but when its the real you, if you are still judged you are not sure you can handle it, this is a self fulfilling prophecy of low self esteem and deep suffering in life, a general lacking of connection will be created from this reaction to the self. Creating expressions of the self which deserve punishment of some kind just so you do not have to be vulnerable and be your true self is creating a mistrust of and a disconnection to who you truly are which leaves you scrambling to please or create conflict so you can keep everyone at a distance from your true self, just in case they might not accept you. Why not be your best self? If you are truly your best self and you can be happy with who you are in life then when you are not accepted, or someone judges you, or you feel rejected, you can say to yourself, “oh well, I know that I am awesome anyways, I am being my true self and if anyone doesn’t like they can go………….”

All communication and all connection gives us the opportunity to express aspects of ourselves which we would not necessarily discover or express when alone, and our alone time gives us time to be free of judgements, release our inhibitions and just do our own thing, thereby learning who we truly are. The difficulty can arise when we feel low self esteem or low confidence and have spent much of our lives attempting to do things which garner praise, affection or acceptance from outside of ourselves. This constant need to please and grasping for others to “see you” often leaves one feeling uncomfortable alone or incapable of feeling fulfilled when solitary. One of the main sources of low self esteem is this discomfort and inability to “fill one’s own cup” so to speak.

To live confidently is to know that you have something to offer, to believe in your core that you as a person are valuable, not in a capitalist kind of way but in a, your presence is needed and appreciated here on earth kind of way. To truly embody self esteem, all praise, all love, all glory we feel we need, must first come from within, one needs to feel full even in the most quiet and alone places of life in order to truly give to the world. We see in our society all kinds of ways of finding confidence within false ideals of beauty, fashion and wealth, we become materialistic and feel high from what we buy and consume in order to be on trend, conform and be accepted, this can bring us confidence for a moment, it may even bring us a false self esteem for years, however it is external, what are you without it all? How do you feel to be naked and alone and staring at yourself in the mirror free of embellishments? Does your image fill you with joy, love and excitement at the beauty before you? Do you feel you could step out into your day and your life and conquer any challenge? What is it like for you to be alone for a day, a night, a month? Are you able to simply sit with yourself, no distractions, solid in your connection to your being? Does the mind think well of your actions each morning, does it agree each night? Every path is a journey, self realization takes work, self esteem and confidence in life come from knowing the self.

We all have different insecurities and fears which come up from time to time, it is not about not having any of these thoughts or feelings, to become secure in one’s self, it is about learning how to allow the thoughts and feelings to come up and flow out with grace, ease and forgiveness, instead of letting ourselves get attached to judgement, stress and fear. Embodiment of the true nature of you requires that you uncover the truth within, often this means we need to confront and peel away the layers and layers of barriers we have placed in our way in order to protect ourselves from judgement or rejection. One only expects these things from the outside world if we are judging or rejecting parts of ourselves. The more loving acceptance of the aspects of the self we can have the more we cultivate the energy of love and acceptance around us, thereby increasing the likelihood we will be met with love and acceptance in the world. The more we judge who we are, fear who we are or how we will be perceived in the outside world the more paranoia and delusion we create in our minds, this leads to acting in ways which we normally would not and creating reasons to be judged, embarrassed or rejected.

There are exercises you can do in order to charge your inner power and confidence, since this energy is governed by the Solar Plexus, Manipura Chakra.

Some ways to clear and charge the Solar Plexus Chakra are:

  • Repeat the mantra “Ram” Ram is the seed sound (bija mantra) of the solar plexus chakra, the sound ram is also part of the name of Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu like the Avatar Krishna, Hindu god of compassion and dharma. Rama exemplifies the inner strength to face all adversity with trust and faith.

  • Envision golden light filling your belly as you breath deeply and slowly into the belly, expand the belly as much as possible as the breath fills you up with light. Spend five minutes a day imagining golden sunlight filling your core and empowering you.

  • Work with the affirmations: “I am powerful, I am confident, I trust myself, I believe in me”, “I trust myself, I believe in myself, I accept myself” You can do this while envisioning the golden light in the belly and doing deep breathing.

  • Core-exercises, leg lifts, planks, chaturanga

  • Breath of Fire >>Practice Here<< (Breath of Fire is not to be practiced when full, while menstruating, pregnant or recovering from abdominal surgery or injury of any kind.

You can and will accomplish everything you put your heart into!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts