The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.3 - The Path of Abundance, "I am worthy"

Dear Great One,

We recognize that many on earth struggle with feeling unworthy in different ways or of many different things or experiences. It is our hope that you will learn to build and become your confident self through acceptance and expression. We pray for you to remember that as a child of god, a reflection of the universe, you are naturally worthy of all of the gifts the universe has to offer. You, as you are, are already perfect, divine and miraculous, when you remember the true nature of yourself which is one with all of creation, one with the universe and infinite soul light, you immediately feel more abundant. The feeling of interconnected creation helps us to feel more abundant knowing that truly nothing is ever lacking since everything is interconnected. Life presents us with challenges to our worth, from a very young age we are taught that if we can not remember and regurgitate the same information as everyone else our time and presence is not revered as much or worth as much, this is the general education system of society using grades in order to categorize and separate people from each other and from their true nature. We put value on a system which labels and categorizes instead of valuing and nurturing the innate wisdom of the individual. Our self-worth is immediately manipulated by the systems which seek to continue the illusion of “haves” and “have-nots”, the truth is every individual has everything they need within them, it is up to us to recognize and nurture the inner gifts of the individual in order to bring them out, revere and honor them and offer them the space to grow, this form of consciousness creates greater levels of self worth because a person feels seen as who they truly are.

Worthiness is our nature, embodying it is where the work comes in. To truly stay in a state of abundance one must feel worthy of that abundance, there needs to be a core belief which comprehends that “abundance is my right, what I do with it is my privilege”. Allowing gifts, accepting abundance, accepting compliments, being open and willing to receive, these are all aspects of inner self worth. The more worthy one feels the more one is able to allow and accept into their lives, as well as the more capable we are of expressing ourselves in truth, creating abundance in our lives requires allowing and accepting and it also requires actively co-creating something with our time and energy. Generating abundance in your life requires you to choose something to which to devote your time, it is often decided that “whatever makes enough money to get by is good enough for me” therefore making the worthiness of yourself based off of the value of money which really has no real value but what we believe and assign to it. Often we accept much less than we deserve in order to “get by” this is all part of how worthy we feel of even our own dreams, wills, wants and desires.

Say you want to be healthy but keep getting stuck somehow. Do you believe you are worthy of health? Say you want that raise but you never ask for it. Do you believe you are worthy of more money? You know you have something to say but you keep quiet… are you worthy of being heard? Do you believe you are worthy of being heard? We all have our random/not so random little ways of making ourselves small. We invite you now to no longer make yourself so small. Why fall into a trap of insignificance when you are such a miracle? You may be a speck in the ocean or a blade of grass in a meadow or a star in the sky but what would the sky be with one less star? What would the ocean be without a speck? What would a meadow be without a blade of grass? Your miniscule existence does not mean you are small (even though you are) it means you are part of something BIG. You may be tiny, but you matter and there are so many more things micro to your macro which make up the miraculous expression of who you are, you are a culmination of creations not simply a singular being, every cell has value and you are made up of billions. Every aspect of creation has an innate worthiness a natural value because it is all necessary in order for creation to occur, we need it all and the universe needs ALL of you, all that is you, all aspects of you to be expressed into full beauty, bliss and joy in order to experience itself. Why hold yourself back from what you deserve? You wouldn’t be here now if you were not already worthy of your experiences, your desires, wills and dreams, you deserve it all, you are worthy of it all, you are meant for it all in divine timing and when you allow yourself to be open to receiving, you will receive, all you need to do is ask for what you really want, remember it is already yours to have and patiently, without attachment, allow it to come to you.

In the midst of manifestation, doubts and insecurities may come up to try and hold you back from allowing the gifts of life and fully expressing yourself. When we get stuck in our manifestations it is likely because some part of the ego is attempting to convince the mind and consciousness that it does not deserve or is not worthy. We invite you in these moments to take a step back from your thoughts, a step back from the fears or doubts and to sit within acceptance and awareness of your worth. Find something you really like about yourself and amplify it with gratitude. “ I am grateful for my smile….my eyes, my voice, my kind heart…..” find something that you already feel good about and expand it with gratitude. As you focus your gratitude on what you already feel worthy of, you amplify the feeling and energy of self worth throughout the body, when you start to feel a bit of an inner smile or inspiration switch to “ I am worthy, I am divine, I have always been enough” let the vibration of the words remind your cells of who you really are. Take some time to manifest the worthiness within you and then move back into the manifestation or healing you are working through. The gifts of the universe are much easier to receive when we actually believe we are worthy of them. We are all children of the divine, aspects and reflections of god, it is our very birth right and divine nature to express, receive and share the love of creation with each other, for us to really do so we must be open to both receiving love and giving love, if we can not receive love, we can not truly give and share love. Cultivating true abundance requires self love, self worth and self expression.

There are those on this planet who have inflated self worth, this may not be healthy or balanced for all however it does still enforce the gathering of abundance. We are not recommending you become an entitled taker of things, we are encouraging you to know that you are worthy of everything you hope to receive, experience and accomplish here on earth. We pray for a great rebalancing of the resources of humanity so that all of the population can find time to be who they want to be, work how they want to work and express who they truly are fully. We pray for you to find this ability of self worth to change your reality because you deserve better, you deserve fulfillment and you deserve happiness. You are worthy.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts