The Path of Ascension Vol. 1 - The Path of Forgiveness

Blessings to this day, this opportunity to experience life anew and welcome here to another step along the journey of Ascension, the embodiment of Awakening, the amplification of Enlightenment! Namaskar and Namaste to you divine reflection! We, the guides and star allies come to you now with messages of inspiration to inspire you to continue to follow the path of truth, love and light! When you feel heavy or stuck, we are there praying for you from beyond the veil, encouraging you to take yourself up from the depths of your pain and into the heights of your light. Now is the time on this earth that we encourage you to release the path of suffering and bring your consciousness into even deeper alignment with The Path of Ascension.

It is for this very reason, of a great required shift in consciousness that we come through now to bring you a daily path you can take to bring you into connection with yourself and the great goal of the collective awakening of humanity into a state of unconditional love and miraculous manifestation. This channeled publication will be brought forth to you each day from this day forth (February 1st 2022) until such a time as the channels agree to release it to you for integration and review. The initial path will last 90 days and each day will offer a path to self healing and transformation of your life that will be interwoven into your greater goal of raising your vibration and living the best life you can possibly imagine for yourself and more as you open to the infinite possibilities the universe invites us into NOW! SO, without further ado, we bring to you…

The Path of Ascension Volume 1. The Path of Forgiveness

Dear soul,

We bring you this message now to integrate into your day. Today’s path is of Forgiveness. We see you out there in the world struggling to get ahead, dwelling on your pasts, holding grudges or even simply holding onto pain which was caused you or that you cause another. In any great transformation we must have the capacity to Forgive. We must forgive ourselves for being ignorant to some knowledge or understanding, we must forgive ourselves for allowing someone to overstep our boundaries. Without forgiveness, it is less than easy for you to move forward in life. Each moment we hold onto is a like a weight tied to your energetic ankles, eventually the more we hold onto the more we become sluggish, stagnant, stuck and heavy. When we are saturated by moments of pain, anger, fear, resentment, we are taken down by our very own consciousness through the focus on the things which are no longer serving us, we make them bigger and they add heaviness and weight to our field and mind. The reaction of holding on creates a different kind of energetic gravity in the body and can create a spinning, clouded, untrusting mind. The trick is the less we forgive others, the more we blame ourselves, the more we blame ourselves the heavier our minds get, the heavier our fields become and the more we attract very similar situations in our lives to show us; will you be able to forgive this time?

Every interaction in our lives is there to help us to grow, perhaps especially the most painful ones, the interesting thing about this is that the choice is yours for which lesson you are going to remember from each interaction and experience. We have the choice to hold onto the pain or we have the choice to let it go and alchemize it. This doesn’t mean becoming totally passive, this means learning from the times where you felt your power was taken away by an experience and choosing to be stronger within it. The more you hold on and say, oh that hurt me so much, i don’t know if i can ever move on, the more power you are giving to the very same energetic force which made you the victim previously. Dense and negative energies seek to feed off more of the same, if you give up your power to a lower vibration and then dwell on how much it sucked for you then you are quite literally creating a vacuum of the very same energy within yourself which then attaches to and attracts similar conflicts to you at an accelerated rate until your learn to forgive and let go.

So what is forgiveness really? The handy ole google and webster says:




verb: forgive; 3rd person present: forgives; past tense: forgave; gerund or present participle: forgiving; past participle: forgiven

  1. stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.

    "I don't think I'll ever forgive David for the way he treated her"

noun: forgiveness; plural noun: forgivenesses

  1. the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

    "she is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line"

Perhaps you can see when you read these definitions and get a sense for what forgiveness really is by seeing that the definitions have no finite boundary on what forgive or forgiveness really is, they are based off of feeling. So forgiving is a feeling, an action and it is also a state. The state and energy of forgiveness is created through a state of compassion, compassion to know that: “if I create suffering I am suffering” and “If I am suffering I create suffering”.

Let’s go a little deeper with that, a being in pain is likely to lash out and find a way to defend itself, this may create all kinds of other ripples and ill effects to the next closest entity, this does not really, almost ever, mean that the attack or the suffering projected outwardly is actually about the other being, it is really all a manifestation of the inner suffering or pain of one who is feeling they need to struggle to survive. When we can integrate the fact that suffering begets suffering perhaps we can have pre-emptive compassion for the potential pain within another. This pre-emptive compassion is a state of forgiveness. If I have been hurt, the other is hurting, even if they are so clouded, dark or dense, that they would never admit it or see it, how does it serve you to perpetuate the pain?

Letting go of the suffering of another as you let go of the suffering caused to you is a state of unconditional love and compassion, in this state you are forgiving, when you become forgiving you can let the experiences of your past dissolve away into light, love and freedom.

By observing your reactions to circumstances and states of being you can uncover what you are holding onto, where it originates from and why you have not let it go? If you start to encounter your past pains as you walk the path of enlightenment (and you will) it is time to forgive yourself for carrying them first, then forgive the other for creating them. We can all be a little stubborn sometimes and that is okay, you have the right to be whatever you want to be and that is the magic! You can choose to be whoever you want to be, you can be in pain or you can be in joy, you can hold on or you can let go, you can struggle or you can flow. The more you cultivate a state of compassion for every action you take the more you will be able to forgive the other for anything you perceive has been done wrong, then you can strengthen your boundaries and communicate better next time or let the person or situation go completely, this is much more difficult until you allow compassion for everyone involved.

We pray that this will help you understand a little bit more about forgiving, we pray that you can find compassion for yourself in every moment and allow that loving awareness to expand from you. If and when you encounter a stubborn moment there are a few things you can do and we will include a meditation for you to go along with this information.

First, cultivate a state of compassion for yourself, this can start by accepting, allowing and loving where you are at right now. Spend sometime complimenting yourself, tell yourself you love yourself and find things you love about yourself and say them aloud. Feel into your body, check in with what you are feeling and breathe deeply into everything you are experiencing. Say to yourself; “for all that I feel now, I bring in love and compassion", “for all that I am now, I feel love and compassion”, “I love myself, I accept myself, I am love”. Spend some time hugging yourself and breathing deeply, saying over and over again in your mind “ I love myself, I accept myself, I am love, I am compassion, I am love”

Cultivate Compassion Meditation


Download the full enhanced audio version of this meditation on our bandcamp for a small contribution

Second, go deeper into an exercise in forgiveness by employing an ancient technique from the medicine of the Hawaiian people, Ho’oponopono, Mahalo to this medicine. Whenever you feel really stuck or very aware that someone else is really suffering, the vibration and intention of Ho’oponopono is to bring balance and make right, anything which has been wronged. Ho’oponopono has been interpreted as “I am sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love you, I thank you” while this is part of the intention of Ho’oponopono it is not exactly the meaning, the meaning is to make right and more right. It was once taught to the channel that very important things or to emphasize in the hawaiian language, often saying the words twice is what is done, compounding the vibration. Sometimes you would be greeted with Aloha Aloha, a strong welcoming, and thanked with Mahalo Mahalo, a very grateful thank you. We see in Ho’oponopono the word Pono written twice, this word means “right” or “correct” the chant together means to bring or create right and more right, to make it right, to correct what is, to balance into right action, right energy, into a good way. When you work with this word it is a chant, it is medicine, it is a teaching, a concept and a power and it deserves the utmost respect as sacred medicine and the amazing thing is, it really works to transform the energy of your situation or any person you consider while working with this sacred sound vibration that is Ho’oponopono.

To work with Ho’oponopono, we are not experts and neither is the channel, however we would recommend first doing some deep slow breathing and connecting to the earth beneath you, then starting with the exercise on cultivating a state of compassion, from there you can begin simply saying the word in slow even repetitions while holding or envisioning a symbol or full representation of your situation or person you wish to heal through/with. The channel will also be sharing a meditation and songs inspired by the ancestors visits on Moloka’i island some years ago where they offered forward a Ho’oponopono chant and prayer to the awareness of the channel, we pray you will enjoy and receive the essence from this transmission below.

Ho’oponopono and Forgiveness Meditation

To summarize, forgiveness is a feeling, the ability to cultivate this feeling requires self compassion, when we let go, we become lighter and if something is really stubbornly holding on, take a breath, no worries, there is always a way to Forgive, you deserve it.

A’ho, Aloha, Mahalo Mahalo!

Remember who you are!

We hope you will enjoy today’s Path of Ascension, to get the most out of the energy, participate in the meditations today.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts