Writing the True Earth Together

Soul Ascension Healing Arts is an International Healing Arts Community, Holistic Academy and Yoga School. We bring together 10 years of successful Educational Programs along with Retreat and Intensive Training Experiences for Yoga Teachers, Energy Healers and Holistic Practitioners of many kinds. Through the last decade of experience in the Health and Wellness Industry we bring together knowledge from the four directions of the earth to write the New Earth together, the True Earth, an Earth where we remember who we are, remember our connection and responsibility to each other, a planet where everyone can find a place to feel supported, receive healing and tools for healing and to uncover the individual gifts we each have to become of service to others along the path.

We are here to be available to you in the evolution of your life and that of humanity, we offer a range of services in Energy Healing and Intuitive Guidance, Destination Yoga Retreats, Online and In-person Education, Yoga Teacher Training Certification, Sacred Ceremony and a Community of divinely connected and divinely orchestrated souls on the journey of awakening together.

SAHA is a Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Teacher Training academy and a community(sangha) of light beings and open hearts; with students, members and teachers from around the world we strive to expand the awakening of consciousness that is Ascension!

A Few Words About Our Yoga School

Become a Yoga Teacher with SAHA 200hr YTT

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Soul Ascension Online Yoga takes us deeper with an affordable 200hr Yoga Alliance continuing education course. For yogis of any level, health & wellness practitioners, yoga teachers seeking more depth, or anyone wishing to deepen their practice, knowledge and experience in the mystical realms of yoga, Soul Ascension Yoga offers in-depth training about: the energy dynamics of yoga, the energy body, energy healing for yourself and others through yoga, managing energy as a space holder, healer, guide and so much more! Learn More..

Advance Your Teaching Credentials with SAHA 300hr YTT

For those seeking to fulfill their 500hr YTT certification, SAHA offers a 300hr Online YTT that is focused on advancing, deepening and embodying ancient yogic practices and teachings for self-realization. You will be given new perspectives on your Yogic Path and be asked to commit deeply to study, practice and practical application. Re-ignite your yogic passion, be inspired and filled with new knowledge and new energy, expand your reach and strengthen your impact as a Yoga Teacher! Learn More..

Access your Psychic Abilities and Become an Energy Healer

Have you always felt you were a little different? Are you highly sensitive and empathic, aware of different perspectives or other worlds, yet up until now you have not found a way to truly channel your gifts? Maybe the spirit world has scared you or you have been struggling to find your purpose in life, perhaps your soul has been calling all along to embody the path of the healer, the path of the clear and open channel of the love and light of source. Every one of us has innate gifts and abilities, our Divine Light Energy Healing Course helps bring out the gifts within you so you can learn techniques to channel and create your own way of healing others. This course was designed and channeled by Eli, Founder and Lead Trainer of SAHA in order to answer the call of great spirit to help humanity remember who we truly are. Are you ready to remember? Start the journey…

SAHA BLOG & Community Updates:

everything we do is done with love and consciousness.


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