Welcome beautiful Light Beings! You have found this page because you are looking for something sacred at this time a retreat for the healing and integration of your authentic and True Self.
Every Soul has a unique energetic imprint encoded in our DNA, accessed through the multi-dimensional heart portal ~ it echoes from the core of our being. Like our intuition, it calls us forth into our soul’s purpose and the realization of our full potential as truly divine, multi-dimensional beings of light.
Earth Gaia is ascending and humanity has the incredible opportunity to ascend with her by consciously choosing to re-connect and re-engage our true spiritual nature and consciously embody our Soul’s purpose.
We are living in times of great prophecy, which really means “truth”, which really means change. This can be incredibly overwhelming and challenging…letting go isn’t always easy and there exists a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety in the world about an “unknown” future.. But within every challenge lies infinite opportunity for growth ~ the more conscious and aware we can be throughout the process of great change, the more empowered we become to anchor in the authentic energies of soul and manifest the changes we wish to see.
While it may seem dark & dreary at times right now, the good news is that the “chaos” we are seeing now (and you may be experiencing in your life as well) is fertile soil for planting and designing an absolutely magnificent life.
As we anchor in the higher light frequencies of our Souls, we are changing in physical form as well. Consciousness has physics, which is why we cannot grow spiritually without seeing “the effects” in the physical. Integrating these changes in the physical results in a variety of “ascension symptoms” and often significant changes in one’s life circumstances.
These rapidly shifting energies ( on top of information overload ) can lead to burnout, depression, irritation, self-doubt and other self-sabotaging patterns, which are really coming up to be cleared! The great news is that with conscious, present awareness, old self-limiting, beliefs, societal conditioning, subconscious patterns and addictions to thought patterns can be spontaneously released.
Humanity is moving through a collective ascension that is a paradigm shift in how we know ourselves to be… we are going beyond the known and therefore, we are all walking each other home. True spiritual experience with soul is the quantum leap for humanity to take. Knowledge is power and helps us to understand and call in the experiences we need to grow as infinite soul beings.
Join us in 2022 and beyond for known and into your Truth. We will be hosting a series of private soul embodiment retreats and updating this page as we finalize the details.
Please submit your email below to be added to the newsletter and receive the opportunity to register and connect at first light!
Filming at the Sunshine Coast, Turtle Island summer 2021
matrix detox & soul embodiment retreats
sunshine coast, Turtle Island (BC), 2022
Your Hosts Tahawa Eli & Christina and the beautiful, pristine Nature of Mother Gaia.
SAHA 200HR ONLINE YTT - Join our growing global community of Soul Ascension Yoga Teachers! Study and practise from wherever you are in the world at your own pace. Grow and learn from the ancient art and science of yoga through mantra, meditation, mudra, asana, kriya practises.. and discover your yogic path!