The Path of Ascension Vol 7.8 - The Path of Dharma (of the Mind)

Dear Co-Creator,

Blessings to you divine soul for you are the infinite power of divine love and truth that you are asking to embody. Have gratitude for yourself today, breathe into your entire being, breathe gratitude into every cell, recognize your breath and your body as sacred. Breathe into your heart, bring your heart into openness and alignment with your thoughts, breathe and be still for a few moments. Allow the mind to settle.

We pray for you now to open your heart to the power of your mind and open your mind to the power of your heart. When the forces of love and intuition join the forces of observation and intellectualization, we become more united in our consciousness and are better able to focus the power of the mind on the highest vibration and outcome for the highest good of all without getting stuck in traps of negative thinking. We do not wish to make you feel like you are not good enough or on the right track already, it is okay if you have negative thoughts sometimes the magic in the miracle of evolution is to learn how to work with those thoughts, alchemize them and create new energies from them. We have the choice to get caught in conditions, programs and mental blockages which lead to emotional reactions or stagnancies, or we have the choice to recognize the patterns we are holding onto and find ways to become more mindful of the habits of our thinking and to bring balance to the mind by finding unconditional love for the self.

The mind is a powerful place and powerful tool, however when the mind is separated from truth and being manipulated by the ego or by fear, thought forms or the pain bodies, the mind becomes a weapon against the true divine nature of the soul within you. The ego starts to come up with all kinds of beliefs which seek to sabotage and sever the connection to one’s divine nature. When we listen to those thoughts and believe them we are very likely to get stuck in a mental trap and this self created mental prison becomes a fortress which keeps us in cycles of limitation and addiction to suffering. Becoming addicted to suffering becomes a loop of self sabotage, the mind finds all kinds of ways to attach to stories which limit us from believing in our power and trick us into feeding lower vibration thought forms, entities and neural patterns which rewire our consciousness to essentially expect more suffering. This kind of mindset creates a self fulfilling prophetic loop of self sabotage.

Why do we sabotage ourselves, any of us? Why do we limit our potential by degrading possibility and removing imagination? Why does humanity often choose to give power over to other to control them? Why does humanity sacrifice itself for the gains of a few?

Humanity has been fed with programs which have been instilled as core beliefs, beliefs are products of information. When one receives information there is usually some kind of emotional aspect related in the moment, either the information lands in a place of some sort of negative impact or the information has a positive impact, it takes specific focus to take information from a neutral place or to relay information from a truly neutral place, that is a practice in itself. The emotional aspect related to the information is as a result of the belief systems of both the projector or transmitter of information and the beliefs of the receiver, what we hope for you to understand here is that not matter what information is shared there are some core belief systems programmed into most individuals, this means that no matter how clearly explained in full neutrality an informational point is offered it will be received slightly different by each person who hears it/reads it/sees it .

The core beliefs within people shape their realities, beliefs start and end in the mind, however eventually the more we instill our particular emotional impact or charge assigned to that belief the stronger the wiring becomes, this process of creating beliefs can be beneficial or it can be detrimental essentially depending on the state from which the belief is created. A massive portion of humanity is programmed with the idea that one can never be enough/good enough/ that we always need more in order to fulfill our freedom. This has been instilled through the education system and the media which then creates a charge within people and becomes even more deeply ingrained through family conditioning. We are bringing up these subjects in order to illuminate the power of the mind when it comes to experiencing life. It is possible to be trapped by one’s mind therefore it is possible to be free by one’s mind.

The mind is a tool, it is one of the most powerful co-creative forces in the universe as it is essentially the perceiver of reality. Conditioning can set into the mind which throws the potential of one’s creative abilities out of alignment with soul. A mind stuck in conditions and programs, negative self talk, old stories, fears and insecurities it has the power to create all of those things just as much as it has the power to create the reality we live in and the life we really truly want for ourselves. We are each here, given the gift of a vessel to contain the spirit, the mind is the tool which interprets the nature of connection between the body and the soul. The is able to assist us in learning from the map of the body which leads us to self realization, every thought is a tap into the infinity of consciousness. Harnessing the power of the mind is not necessarily an “easy” task but it is a fairly simple one. It goes back to one of the base principles of dharma which is commitment to one’s personal evolutionary path; to realize that everything in your life has been created by you, for you, with the divine running through you, to recognize and realize that every single experience is a reflection of the path of learning and evolution that has been set out for one’s soul, helps us to harness the power of the mind, transferring thinking into consciousness. Choosing to harness the power of the mind requires choosing clarity of thought, this may require clearing emotions from the body to release the charge which tricks us into holding onto conditioning.

We have previously mentioned the power of commitment to evolving and the power of honoring the body, the keys contained in the principle of honoring self through devotion to evolution are abundant and miraculous when we allow ourselves to receive them. Mental anguish is often created from the feeling of unworthiness, when we feel unworthy of health and happiness we tend to create belief systems and stories which keep us locked in our comfort zones of fear and disease. An extremely important aspect to raising ones consciousness is to learn that we each have the power to create realities. Most people go around in states of unawareness leading to creations in life of complete chaos to the world around them. Humans have a tendency to become arrogant when they acquire certain levels of status, this false power creates a dependency on the status itself which creates loops of thoughts which are always looking for the next best thing instead of resting in acknowledgement of the miracle already before us. The fear of failure is one of the biggest mechanisms of control over the human psyche. It is normal for some experiences in life to simply not work out the way we hope for them to, everyone makes mistakes, everyone “fails” sometimes, every opportunity to make a mistake is an opportunity to grow.

The majority of our mistakes are made from states of ignorance, the unawareness to the effects of our actions on ourselves or in the world around us commonly leads to creating challenges for ourselves which become bigger and more taxing on the mind in order to overcome them, this is a mechanism of karma, always seeking to balance itself it creates energy forms/ thought forms which show up to push out the stuck emotion and/or programs, this starts before the universe creates external situations to respond to the already imbalanced state. The energy of imbalanced mental conditioning creates a karmic energy which then spins out to challenge us into overcoming the barrier, eventually we start to externalize the suffering in order to make it someone or something else’s fault which actually gives our power away to the very thing which we are afraid of.

Fear is one of the biggest tools of control over the human mind, being in fear or being in doubt is nearly certain to bring to you the very thing which you are afraid. Someone who is fixated on all of the possible detrimental or unhealthy aspects of life and of themselves is more likely to make choices which are self abusive. One who is harmony with themselves and can see the world from a place of unconditional love instead of judgement is able to move through life with an awareness which allows learning, integration and the creation of wisdom. In order to create a clear state of mind we must first look at the conditions and programs which are holding some kind of residual stagnancy in the mind or body. The programs and conditions of the mind get store through emotional reactions into the body especially into the fascia and muscle tissue, eventually any stagnancy leads to more stagnancy, this is part of why most spiritual traditions offer tools for focusing the mind so that the body can endure physical exercises, work and pilgrimages in order to be strong, healthy and balanced. Any person who is not able to concentrate and commit to the task at hand is much less likely to create and maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle. So much of society is stuck in that program of always needing more, never being enough and always seeking to fill a new void of lack, this mindset ripples into every action we take if we are not aware of it.

The constant reaching and grasping to fill illusionary needs creates a separation from the true identity of who we are, this constant need for fulfillment through some sort of material gains or personal recognition is a bottomless pit. Eventually, one pours all their own lifeforce energy into the systems which cell false freedom, the greatest vulnerability to this drainage of lifeforce is the belief that “it will never be enough” this is a fear that somehow by not acquiring enough, doing enough, being enough we will be judged infinitely by some rageful force of creation which seeks to bully humans likes ants under a magnifying glass. Only one programmed with a mindset which says “ I am not worthy” would believe that some all seeing cruel monster controls every aspect of your life and would condemn to hell for not living a perfect white picket fence mortgaged reality. Is it really you to be stuck in a box that was laid out for you? What about your dreams?

Consciousness is a well, the mind is the bucket, when we can focus our mind to dip into the well of consciousness we can bring back the all nourishing lifeblood of the universe which is knowledge. To recognize yourself as part of the ocean of consciousness and to ponder the question “who am I really?” can assist you in changing the mental patterns which limit you. Now, every individual has a different level of work which is needed to be done, different people have different levels of conditioning, different layers of programming and conditioning and these layers may take specific rewiring to rewrite those programs. No matter where the conditions are from, what they are about or why they are there, all conditions and programs can be rewired and all people have the chance to set themselves free, one of the most important aspects of liberating oneself is to control the mind. To walk in Dharma the mind must be open to unlimited potential, to learning from everything around us and to also be clear in what it is we want in life and why it is we are where we are. It is important to remember that the karma of every individual is to evolve, to evolve back into oneness with the source of all that is. For any being to be able to truly realign with the divine and embody oneness that being must be able to control the fluctuations of the mind in order to stay in the optimal state for receiving from the well of consciousness.

Clearing the mind takes practice, it also takes choices and consistency, in order for the mind to become an efficient and balanced tool we must find our personal physical balance, a daily practice of clearing the mind and a connection from the mind to the heart. Bridging the gap between the mind and the heart is one of the most important steps to creating alignment from the mind to the divine and through that connection, think, act, live and breathe Dharma.

So far we have left the definition of Dharma up to your interpretation as we share philosophy and tools which open you up to aligning with your dharma. As this is the offering on the Dharma of the Mind we thought it would make sense to include the dictionary definition of Dharma below:



Learn to pronounce


  1. (in Indian religion) the eternal and inherent nature of reality, regarded in Hinduism as a cosmic law underlying right behavior and social order.

    • (in Buddhism) the nature of reality regarded as a universal truth taught by the Buddha; the teaching of Buddhism.

    • an aspect of truth or reality.

      "all dharmas are forms of emptiness”

At first the channel finds this overly simplified and we do too however it useful for the logical mind to have some simple definitions to align with the knowledge of spiritual practices. Secondarily we notice the quote at the bottom, the channel at first did not really resonate with this quote and thought perhaps to remove it “all dharmas are forms of emptiness”, we encouraged the channel to leave the quote there and first we will give you a quick explanation then the channel will research to add some more. This quote is here from the masters of dharma, it is in relation to the nature of the mind and the necessity for discipline/devotion when it comes to spiritual practice. We have mentioned before that much of living in Dharma starts with purification of the mental conditioning which creates more karma and the purification of the body which holds residual energetic memories of the karma and samskara, deeply ingrained karmic responses to life from soul trauma, drama, experiences which hold some kind of emotional charge throughout time which now have an almost intangible influence on our present, especially without awareness to them. In order to create awareness one must be able to experience emptiness, it is from the state of pure awareness one can truly observe karma and dharma in action, it is without judgement that one can transcend the conditioned reactions and thought patterns which seek to limit us. To practice dharma one must become “empty” so as to be the vessel to receive from the divine in all actions.

The quote “all dharmas are marked by (forms of) emptiness” comes from The Prajna Paramita Hrydaya Sutra or The Great Mastery of the Divine Heart Sutra(translations vary), see a little bit about the background of this invocation as one sutra of the Maha Prajnaparamita Sutra HERE or HERE
For Full Lyrics and to listen watch the video to the right or click the link below!

The sutra is one of the inspirations taught by the buddha Avalokitesvara through the practice of profound radiance and the Prajna Paramita Mantra “Gate Gate Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha”! Through his practice of this meditation and mantra, entering transcendental states within it and observing the phenomena of dharma, he received the importance and wisdom of the power of this mantra and following his meditation practice with “Gate Gate Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha” he expounded discourse on the practice to one of his disciples Shariputra. Read the heart Sutra here The buddha found that emptiness was the foundation of all forms of existence and dharma.

We have brought this to you now as a rabbit hole which the channel is currently experiencing into the power of simple practices to clear the mind. Many teachings offer simple mantras that through repetition we can be reminded of both our infinite nature and empty our minds, bodies and spirits from all of the impermanence and attachments. When we devote to a practice which holds ancient power and wisdom, has been practiced by billions of people for thousands of years we are supported by the very vibrational energy within that mantra or prayer. We could spend years explaining practices and techniques of breathwork, yoga postures, ceremonies, offerings to this deity and that deity and we could know and study them all together and all being doing very lovely things, this does not necessarily mean however that we reach the truth. Sometimes, as buddhism teaches even in its complexity, simplicity is best. So, we offer this to you now, adopt a simple practice to clear your mind, perhaps it is the mantra above, or to listen to and eventually learn the entire sutra from which it is derived. Many masters and messengers have come to the earth plane to transcend the limitations and become evolved souls embodied, this is to exemplify the potential and power which lies within every single human being. No messenger of the divine ever hoped for you to give your power away completely, every messenger sought to offer a reminder to humanity that everything and anything is possible. The Buddha was a messenger of Dharma and there has been, are now and will always be infinite buddhas or boddhisattvas throughout the universe and interwoven into the earth plane in different forms in order to remind humanity that Dharma will change one’s destiny when we devote to learning the truth, when we become committed to pushing through the limitations of the material world with compassion for all beings as the root of our conviction we open the space of unconditional love and through the experience of divine bliss/oneness in nirvana/samadhi we can accomplish absolutely anything.

All of the divine teachers, ascended/descended masters have come to show us that the beyond is absolute, everything else is temporary the only certain thing in the universe is the unknown, the mystery, the unconditional love which binds it all together, ever cycling through from dust to dust. Everything is temporary and when we remember that we are more likely to make the most out of our time here, to leave the best energetic impression we can because in temporary nature there is always a cycle, everything goes from beginning to end and back again from life to death to new life and beyond. The principles of Dharma are to help us to make the best possible impressions in the world, to make the least waves of karma and/or to transcend the density of karma we have brought in with us. In knowing that truly our origins are beyond us, they are cosmic and infinite and everything we do shapes the way for us to experience eternity, which eternity does one wish for others, which eternity do we choose for ourselves? One of the most important reflections we can garner from the teachings of dharma and karma is that the way we live shapes our reality. The more harm we bring to the world around us the more imbalance we create for all beings. Imbalance starts in those conditioned beliefs, that need for more, that need to fulfill some form of unworthiness, the need to fill the emptiness with illusionary happiness.

We pray for you now to release the need to fill the emptiness and instead learn to be with the emptiness, to know the emptiness as potential for creation, a dark room that you will brighten with your light or a blank canvas onto which you will paint your reality of compassion and peace. The invitation of self realization asks us to become aware of our thoughts and to allow them to pass just as any other waste passes from the body. A body becomes full of waste and immediately signals the consciousness to stop the mind and body from anything other than to relieve itself of the waste it has accumulated, as everything in the universe is a fractal mandala, we can assume that the mind likely functions the same way, however when in it comes to consciousness it becomes creative and finds ways to create more space to store the waste, this still takes a it’s toll however on the mind and body over time, if we become to full of negative memories, toxic information, doubts/insecurities or fundamental lies the mind and body do their best to signal to us the necessity to empty, to relieve oneself of the built up toxins of negative thinking which start to store in the energy body, creating “pain-body” and “thought-forms” or “entities”. We offer this to you to realize that the mind needs to be emptied just as much as the body needs to pass waste. This is why we have offered meditation and prayer to humanity for millennia, we notice that most do not take the practices of clearing the mind seriously, to this we find humor and sadness again and laugh at the irony of being offered the knowledge of “what you think is what you create” then to see all of the suffering and pain humanity is under and at the same time taking no responsibility for it, the teaching is right there for you. Clear the clutter of the mind, release the suffering within and watch the world change.

We admit, it does sound too simple, sensational, ridiculous even, however we assure you that especially now to realize the power of thought is of great importance. Fear creates realities just as powerful as any other thought and in this current paradigm often more quickly than thought and emotions from other vibrations. This is why we encourage you now to find peace in having less, peace in emptiness, peace in clarity of thought. It is not necessary to always being, doing, healing, battling the darkness, sometimes all we need to do is empty ourselves and sit in the discomfort of being nothing and no-one. Identities can confuse us from our true nature and when we take the time to strip away the conditioned patterns of the mind we can become more clear to see the path in front of us and walk it with grace and ease. It is recommended to find a simple practice to breathe and clear the mind, empty thoughts even for just one moment, perhaps you see yourself pouring out muddy water from your ears, perhaps you sift the thoughts out like sand, perhaps you watch them all float by like clouds until your consciousness reflects a clear open blue sky. There is no attachment from us for how you choose to empty your mind, we simply encourage you to do your best to do so on a daily basis by choosing to love yourself enough to free yourself from the thoughts which plague and drain you into limitation.

You know which thoughts we mean. Acknowledge the ugly thoughts, thank them for teaching you and helping you to grow, breathe deeply in through the nose, and with a big sigh and an open mouth breathe out “HAAAAAAAAAAAh” letting go of all that is no longer serving you in every breath. Each time the thought which seeks to hold you back comes up do this and remember that the beyond is the absolute, the illusions and lies of the ego are the untrue, when we return our focus to the infinite openness of the emptiness of the universe we can find our personal placement to bring our light to the darkness.

Now to leave you with another tool and yet another reminder, this one offered to humanity from Shiva:

This Mantra originates in the Bhridharanayaka Upanishad one of the earlier hindu texts. It is offered as a final and emergent route out of suffering. Through practice of this mantra the mind is offered up to “god” the offering within a clear mind is the soma or divine nectar, essence of god within the pineal gland. Use this mantra to get you out of heavy mental spaces and clear your mind as an offering to “god” it can be helpful to pair this mantra with an offering of sweet milk (warm milk and honey) or yogurt with honey on your altar or simply lighting an incense and placing a flower.

Aum Asatoma Sadgamaya

Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya

Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Lead me from the untrue/unreal to the true/real
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality
Om Peace Peace Peace.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts